Google Labs launched a feature called Mail Googles, which prevents you from emailing when you are not in the right state of mind, basically intoxicated. The feature allows you to select a time you will most likely need to use Mail Googles. Before your message is sent, you must solve a series of simple math problems "to verify you're in the right state of mind," according to the Google Blog (
I think that is a great feature, but where's it at for my phone? I used to send drunken emails to boyfriends, friends and co-workers, but that was before the days of SMS messaging, or texting. I can't tell you how many mornings I've woken up, looked at my phone, and been like oh my gosh, I sent that?? Or, oh my gosh that was meant to go to my boyfriend not the name below his in my phone!
You all know you do it, you all have probably received one, so where's that Text Goggles at AT&T?
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