Tuesday, March 31, 2009

As Seen On TV - Oh Harold!

As previously mentioned in my blog, I find it HILARIOUS when people fall and don't get too injured. Something about it just makes me crack up, like I know I shouldn't laugh but as long as everyone is ok I just do. Don't worry, I've had it happen to me a lot (all UA girls remember the Senior soccer game? Let's just say my head was under a tire)

Anyways, I needed to laugh today and YouTubed injuries and came across several that were hilarious, like this famous Grape Lady Fall, but the one featured below just sent me over the edge.

Watch the clip and you will know why. I just love the woman going "Oh Harold, are you ok?" and then Harold trying to redeem himself so that you still might want to buy this piece of crap that just broke when he tested it. I bet they sold about 10 at most.

Anyways, do you typically buy a lot of stuff from TV? My boyfriend gets sucked into these things and then ends up with things like The Tobi, stored in his closet or the Rolling Razor (in camo) stuck to the shower wall. I'm not going to lie, I've been tempted before but usually don't purchase because of videos like this one.

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