Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Our Future Is In Their Hands!

Sure, as a kid our parents used to say to us...our future is in your hands. Basically, once we were old enough to make a difference and view the world how we wanted, the rest of the world would follow. It's history right? Things change and people adapt and usually the younger generation is leading the cause!

Well, this 10 year old boy who lives in Orlando, FL is keeping up with technology (thanks to some help from parents I'm sure) and started his own video blog. It has random things on it, like how to make pickles, him singing, him being a kid but it's the video below that caught my attention online.

For all you Internet geeks out there that spend time surfing the web and love sites that share totally random facts about the Internet, like, then you may know about the "Code Monkey". Basically, this guy Jonathan Coulton, wrote and developed this YouTube song/video about being a "Code Monkey" in the Internet world (Paul, my stalker, this is you).

I love this video for several reason, but will give you my top 3 below:

  1. It's funny since the kid probably isn't able to view more than 50% of Internet videos and blogs due to his age
  2. I am very intrigued that he painted on a work shirt with a pocket protector but then painted his face like a cat - his 10 year old imagination is taking over thinking a cat could wear a pocket protector (duh, we all know that only dogs can do this since they are smart and not creepy)
  3. The song is kind of addicting.

So, enjoy the video and have fun thinking that as we get older kids like this are going to rule the world.

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