I am the type of person who really doesn't like change
all that much. I'm a planner, I like to have a routine and I like the feeling of safety. However, if I only stuck to what was safe and avoided change I would never be where I am today. So why all this talk of change right?
Well, I've decided that it is time to make a change in my career. While I've only been at SparkPeople a short two years I know it is time to move forward and continue to grow my professional career.
It was a hard decision to move away from such great people and a company who's mission was to make people healthy but the opportunity in front of me is great!
Tomorrow I start my first day at Brandimage and am filled with excitement but also some nerves. I imagine that two weeks from now I will feel right at home, just like I have in past jobs.
You are probably reading this and thinking, what will this mean for this awesome blog right? Well, it will be better than it was this summer when I was only able to update every so often thanks to vacations, weddings and more weddings. Don't worry, I'm still keeping the blog! I'm just making some changes and you can be along for the ride and hear all about it.
I had an old college roommate visit me this weekend and she asked, "It's been years since we've seen each other, what's going on?"
I said oh nothing, just the usual at our age - new job, engagement, new house, etc. I just listed it off thinking to myself, "Really, nothing has changed since you last saw me 5 years ago and you moved to NYC."
Her response was so right, "Yeah, nothing big happened I mean you only recently got a new job, bought a house, got engaged, set the date for your wedding, got a new dog, paid off your first car and I'm sure much more. What do you mean nothing happened, everything happened, you were just too busy living to notice it!"
And there I had it, change was all around me and I was just going with it, just living life.

You are probably reading this and thinking, what will this mean for this awesome blog right? Well, it will be better than it was this summer when I was only able to update every so often thanks to vacations, weddings and more weddings. Don't worry, I'm still keeping the blog! I'm just making some changes and you can be along for the ride and hear all about it.
I had an old college roommate visit me this weekend and she asked, "It's been years since we've seen each other, what's going on?"
I said oh nothing, just the usual at our age - new job, engagement, new house, etc. I just listed it off thinking to myself, "Really, nothing has changed since you last saw me 5 years ago and you moved to NYC."
Her response was so right, "Yeah, nothing big happened I mean you only recently got a new job, bought a house, got engaged, set the date for your wedding, got a new dog, paid off your first car and I'm sure much more. What do you mean nothing happened, everything happened, you were just too busy living to notice it!"
And there I had it, change was all around me and I was just going with it, just living life.
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