For the past four years I have lived in an apartment building where we’ve seen people come and go, but there were four of us who have been there through it all. We’ve been through ups and downs, crazy neighbors, happy neighbors, foreign neighbors, break ups, make ups, parties, weddings, funerals and much much more. This past weekend we threw our going away party, “End of an Era” , and it was amazing as usual but a little sad as it marked the end of something great.
The four of us are pictured to the right: Jodie, Emmy, Sean and me. Of course we are dressed in ridiculous outfits that are symbols of the parties we had through the years. From the day Jodie and I moved in it was pure excitement and then meeting the neighbors made it even better. Sean was a transplant when Emmy’s roomie Katie got married, but we were soooo happy to have him.
We did everything from Carmen Electra Striptease, late night disco ball dancing, wine nights, ridiculous parties, patio chats, stalking and making up ridiculous stories about our neighbors, cooking dinners, ambulance chasing, watching awful TV and much more. Of course we will all remain friends and have wine nights and tons of laughter into the future. It’s very sad to say goodbye to something that was so great but I’m looking forward to a new beginning at my new place and for the first time really being on my own. I look forward to discovering who I am and learning more about me all on my own!!
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