It is a cheesy Holiday and if you are single you hate it, and if you are with someone you kind of hate it too (at least me). I am with someone and I kind of am annoyed with it because honestly why on earth should I get a gift of love on one day only? I should totally be appreciated throughout our relationship and not need some Holiday to have him remember that. Plus, it’s always this anticipation of “What did you get?” or “Is a ring coming?” and then when you say you got a card and dinner people are let down and it kind of makes you let down…darn society!
Anyways, I’m not looking for an extravagant gift, and know my boyfriend isn’t getting me one. If he was smart he might ready my blog today and know that all I really want is dinner, kind words and a buddy for Needy (our pet dog).
Any who, I read an article online today that said that Senior Muslim Clerics have urged youngsters in Sudan to boycott Valentine’s Day as it may lead couples in the wrong direction. And by wrong direction, they mean taking public strolls in the park. Now, it is a difference in religion and a difference in culture but what really threw me for a loop is the following statement.
"Valentine's Day comes from Western countries. I call on Muslims not to imitate Christians. The money that is spent on Valentine's Day would be better spent encouraging young people to marry, " said preacher Sheikh Hassan Hamid.
WHAT!! Yeah, could you imagine this. I will simply tell my boyfriend not to buy me a Valentine’s Day gift and save it up for that ring he is planning on buying me. HA, he would literally pack up and move out. Could you just imagine the Jared’s commercial “ This Valentine’s Day don’t buy your wife the heart necklace that is so cheesy, but put it towards our fine collection of engagement rings. It could only be Jared’s!”
I also would like to apologize to anyone who reads my blog and receives jewelry from Jared’s. I mean a diamond is a diamond and I would accept it, but their advertising drives me NUTS!
Happy Valentine’s Day
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