I had a great night last night with some girlfriends, one in particular. We discussed the secrets of our relationships and ourselves. The kind of secrets you can only share with someone else who has been there before. But after having this talk, I thought a little bit about what I’m keeping from myself.
A LOT…not necessarily a secret per say, but something’s I know are important to me and I brush them under a rug because I’m scared or others tell me I shouldn't. Well, I decided I’m not going to do that. If it’s something that’s important to me or just who I am or how I act, I’m not changing and I’m worth it! It’s not easy to change things you want your whole life. Imagine how many times you’ve said, “I’m never doing that again” or “I’m never drinking again” but you are back in the saddle the following night. Well these are things bigger than that, things that make me who I am. And people have loved me or hated me for it – more people have loved me for it.
So there’s my rant after my night last night. It’s been bugging me for awhile and it’s a triumph, I’m moving forward with what makes me happy right now. Either you are in or you or out, but I ain’t changing for no one.
To wrap this up and get back on track with secrets….one of my favorite blogs to read is postsecrets.com. Sometimes they make you laugh, sometimes they make you cry and sometimes they are just stupid. But, after reading it I know what my post card would be if I sent it in, but I’m not going to share that with you cause than it wouldn’t be in Postsecret fashion. I will give you a hint, it would involve a beach with my written message on top. Consisting of 3 sentences, 32 words and 1 important secret I’ve not told anyone else.
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