Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Teeth Yanking

A long weekend was so relaxing and great!! We spend a lot of time working on the house, attending BBQs, graduation parties and catching up on some much needed zzzzzssss. But today it is back to the grind.

However, I'm really looking forward to a weekend at Gigglemoor and celebrating my 28th birthday (Jim, I'm only 27 currently!) But before I get to the weekend I have to have two of my molars pulled out tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it.

I have been having TMJ, or lock jaw, for the past few months. It hurts a little, but more than anything it makes me self conscious eating in front of others. Basically, if I open my mouth a little wider than a Popsicle, my jaw will pop in and out of place (insert that's what she said here)! Because it's my own jaw it's extremely loud to me, but I think that it is also loud to others and I often times avoid eating with others unless I'm comfortable with you. Plus, Jim complains about it when we eat.

Well, I don't do well with general anestethia, so I opted to just get a local anesthetic . I did this with my wisdom teeth too, so I"m hoping since these aren't impacted this will be much easier than before and lead to a shorter recovery time. I won't miss the teeth, they basically now are just being used as bumpers against my other teeth, which is wearing out my jaw and causing it to lock in place.

So, hopefully this will fix the problem and I won't need additional work. Keep your fingers crossed and hopefully come Friday I will be back to normal. It will drive me nuts not being able to workout or play sports for a day or two, but I'm hoping for the best!

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