So, as you know I was in San Diego last week for a little bit of work and pleasure and unbeknown st to me pain. Jim’s sister Molly works out regularly at a Boot Camp run by a Navy Seal who served from ’92-’94 and now just enjoys torturing innocent souls like me for fun! Alright, he tortures people to get them into top class shape and does an excellent job doing it.
Anyways, Jim informed us that if we wanted we could join a workout of his on Friday morning at 6AM at a local park. I thought, why not, I’m in shape and love working out let’s see what he has for me. In the meantime, Jim told me how hard it was, that people puke and that I might end up passed out in the end. So as the day got closer and closer my nerves were building and I was actually terrified to workout with him. I had the feeling I used to get driving to soccer games in high school, my stomach was all tight and I felt like I might just pee myself or worse yet poo myself (oh shut it, you know what I’m talking about when you get nervous).
When we pulled up to the park there were several other people there to join in the fun, this eased my nerves a bit. But then lickety split that all changed. Next thing I new I was doing on the ground doing push-ups, bear crawls, jumping jacks, more push-ups, mountain climbers and squats for what seemed like an hour. We kept this routine going for about 30 minutes!!! I already had stripped off my jacket and had pit stains that were almost my whole shirt (see photo for proof). After this ended we got about 30 seconds for water and were directed to head over for some wind sprints. For the next 30 minutes we did wind sprints with push-ups, crawls, more push-ups and backwards runs until I felt like I was going to either puke or die.
Then as quick as it started it was over. One hour of high intensity exercise had come and gone with little to no breaks. After the feeling of death passed I felt great about myself. I had pushed my limits and survived and as gross and sweaty as I was I wanted more. Now, the next two days when my chest and shoulders killed from the push-ups not so much, but it was worth it – all 200 push-ups that we did not on our knees!
Chris Keith's Boot Camp is awesome and if you live in the San Diego area I highly suggest attending his camp! I wish we had someone like this in Cincinnati because it is worth it. You can get up before work or hit it up after work! By far the hardest and most rewarding workout I’ve even completed!
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