Well, Jim and I are having our first Thanksgiving at the house this year so it's pretty exciting but also a little stressful. I've cooked a turkey once in college and it turned out well, but that was college and it also went with a ton of beer and partying!
We are having 8 people over, all Jim's family. I plan to run the Turkey Day Trot and eat breakfast at the Price's all at the same time as starting the prep work! Then, after the meal at our place we head off to my family party around 6 or so (well I head off and Jim will probably join later in the evening just in time for charades with my family)!
I love Thanksgiving - the food, family and talk about Christmas. I imagine this year will be really crazy so I've gone ahead and made an itinerary for myself. So here you have it! The tricky part is we only have 1 oven and I believe in making things from scratch- so I really had to time things out just right for a 3PM arrival and 4PM meal. And oh yeah, I plan to run the Turkey Trot so I don't feel guilty piling the food on my plate. I figure I will run 6 miles in the AM so I can eat some extra calories!
- Set Table
- Make Cranberry Sauce
- 8AM Turkey Prep & Put in Oven (Tent so no need to baste for 2 hours)
- 8:30AM Turkey Trot
- 9:30AM Breakfast at Price's
- 11AM Turkey Check and remove tent, begin basting
- 11:30AM Make Spinach Dip and cool
- 12 PM Sweet Potato Prep
- 12PM Mashed Potato Prep
- 1:30 PM Stuffing Prep
- 1:30 PM Green Bean Casserole
- 2:30 PM Turkey Check and let sit
- 2:30 PM Put in Stuffing and Green Bean Casserole
- 2:30 Make Gravy
- 3:30 warm items in over for meal at 4PM
Gobble Gobble! May you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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