This could quite possibly be the blog that you read and are like,WTF, I knew you were weird but now I’m just concerned you are on drugs. I’ve had this debate a few times in the past years but yesterday I got talking about this in the office and my curiosity got the best of me and I had to do some digging. So here it goes, the story, the research and my conclusion.
As a kid we always traveled to Kiawah Island every summer for two weeks. We would go to Charleston, hang on the beach, golf, alligator hunt, crab, fish and hang out as a family. This was long before Kiawah became popular and is now a hot spot and full of hotels. I can remember one summer we were there and there was all this talk about the “Lizard Man.” People were told to watch out for this monster because he has been known to eat license plates and small dogs and scare locals and tourist alike. As kids, we were really scared of this and convinced ourselves he existed and even went out and got the T-Shirts to prove it to our friends back home.
So, of course yesterday over lunch I begin to share this story and my belief in this monster and everyone was puzzled. They had never heard of this monster. They were convinced I was thinking of “The Swamp Thing” but I knew it wasn't the Swamp Thing but something else, I can remember seeing it on Unsolved Mysteries. Which I’d like to make a note about here – if this is your strongest point in your argument at the time you discuss it you need to do more research. This just made me seem crazier than before when I began to discuss the red eyed car eating lizard that stalked us this summer as a kid. But, I knew it was for real and I hadn’t made this up so I had to do some research.
First research, calling my brother. Who when I immediately asked him about that summer his response was, “yeah, I forget the name of it but I once watched an episode on it on MonsterQuest- it scratched peoples cars and left bite marks that left people baffled!” Now folks, you may think I’m exaggerating his response and he didn’t say the word MonsterQuest or baffled but it’s true- both of them, and yes he is 29. He then went on to add how we both bought T-Shirts and were scared driving at night down the deserted roads from Charleston to Kiawah. (Again, this was before the Ryder Cup was played there and Kiawah became a hot spot)
Bingo, this first lifeline or research contact lead me to my next place to look – MonsterQuest. At first I didn’t find anything other the the Swamp Thing footage until I noticed a file that said “MonsterQuest Cold Case – The Lizard Man” and BAM, I found his name and some footage. Click here to check out some monsters on the show (you will have to search Lizard Man to find the videos I reference).
Then of course, Paul, told me nothing is real unless it’s on WikiPedia and now that I have the name of this monster I look it up and BAM, here it is! Exactly as I had described: The Lizard Man is described as being 7 feet tall, bipedal and well built, with green scaly skin and glowing red eyes. It is said to have three toes on each foot and three fingers on each hand which end in a circular pad on them that stick to walls. The creature has an incredible degree of strength, more than capable of ripping into a car. – EXACTLY as I described in my discussions.
Well, then wouldn’t you know it I see a link at the bottom of the Wikipedia explanation to a CNN Video! WHAT? I thought my Unsolved Mysteries was a good argument but the fact that my monster has made CNN? Check out the video here! I have slowly built a case that this is a real thing, the T-Shirt I bought did exist, that monsters may be out there, that the Lizard Man did eat license plates, stalked people that summer in South Carolina and I am not just a crazy lady who believed in a story I was told as a little girl.
So what all began in 1988, when I was 7, as a car getting mauled and 10 eye witnesses claiming they saw this monster has developed 20 years later to another car mauling with blood left behind. Unfortunately the blood was contaminated and could not be identified to a certain species, but that may tell us something. I’m not saying I believe or don’t believe in this monster, but it’s somewhat been haunting my life since a little kid. All I'm saying is even if I tell you a crazy wild weird story and I swear it is true, believe me, because I will find the proof that I'm not crazy and it may exist. And, if you are driving through South Carolina and you have the expensive license plates, vanity plates, you may want to rethink your way - just sayin!
As a kid we always traveled to Kiawah Island every summer for two weeks. We would go to Charleston, hang on the beach, golf, alligator hunt, crab, fish and hang out as a family. This was long before Kiawah became popular and is now a hot spot and full of hotels. I can remember one summer we were there and there was all this talk about the “Lizard Man.” People were told to watch out for this monster because he has been known to eat license plates and small dogs and scare locals and tourist alike. As kids, we were really scared of this and convinced ourselves he existed and even went out and got the T-Shirts to prove it to our friends back home.
So, of course yesterday over lunch I begin to share this story and my belief in this monster and everyone was puzzled. They had never heard of this monster. They were convinced I was thinking of “The Swamp Thing” but I knew it wasn't the Swamp Thing but something else, I can remember seeing it on Unsolved Mysteries. Which I’d like to make a note about here – if this is your strongest point in your argument at the time you discuss it you need to do more research. This just made me seem crazier than before when I began to discuss the red eyed car eating lizard that stalked us this summer as a kid. But, I knew it was for real and I hadn’t made this up so I had to do some research.
First research, calling my brother. Who when I immediately asked him about that summer his response was, “yeah, I forget the name of it but I once watched an episode on it on MonsterQuest- it scratched peoples cars and left bite marks that left people baffled!” Now folks, you may think I’m exaggerating his response and he didn’t say the word MonsterQuest or baffled but it’s true- both of them, and yes he is 29. He then went on to add how we both bought T-Shirts and were scared driving at night down the deserted roads from Charleston to Kiawah. (Again, this was before the Ryder Cup was played there and Kiawah became a hot spot)
Bingo, this first lifeline or research contact lead me to my next place to look – MonsterQuest. At first I didn’t find anything other the the Swamp Thing footage until I noticed a file that said “MonsterQuest Cold Case – The Lizard Man” and BAM, I found his name and some footage. Click here to check out some monsters on the show (you will have to search Lizard Man to find the videos I reference).
Then of course, Paul, told me nothing is real unless it’s on WikiPedia and now that I have the name of this monster I look it up and BAM, here it is! Exactly as I had described: The Lizard Man is described as being 7 feet tall, bipedal and well built, with green scaly skin and glowing red eyes. It is said to have three toes on each foot and three fingers on each hand which end in a circular pad on them that stick to walls. The creature has an incredible degree of strength, more than capable of ripping into a car. – EXACTLY as I described in my discussions.

So what all began in 1988, when I was 7, as a car getting mauled and 10 eye witnesses claiming they saw this monster has developed 20 years later to another car mauling with blood left behind. Unfortunately the blood was contaminated and could not be identified to a certain species, but that may tell us something. I’m not saying I believe or don’t believe in this monster, but it’s somewhat been haunting my life since a little kid. All I'm saying is even if I tell you a crazy wild weird story and I swear it is true, believe me, because I will find the proof that I'm not crazy and it may exist. And, if you are driving through South Carolina and you have the expensive license plates, vanity plates, you may want to rethink your way - just sayin!
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