...in my trunk. Daily snippets of my life, family and friends. I'm totally quirky and you will see it through my blog.
So, to my long afternoons where a strong wind blows in the scent of overheated dog poop, dog drool on my pants is the norm and strategically avoiding people is my M.O.
Teams consisted of 5 people and you had to do some pretty creative things along the way, including dress up and perform a minute song and dance. Our Team decided we would be the Oompa Loompas and call ourselves "The Golden Ticket". We made our Oompa Loompa costumes, wrapped our shopping cart in gold foil and started to hash out a plan.
The day of the race was pretty fun. About 50 teams came out all dressed up - anything from Amish Teams, Mario Brothers, Kegs and Eggs and much more! Our outfits were hilarious. The race started downtown and ran about a 5-6 mile route with stops along the way. The first stop was in Mt.Adams, which if you live in Cincy is an area of town atop the steepest of hills. So imagine running up a hill for about a mile pushing a shopping cart.
After huffing and puffing our way atop Mt.Adams down we went to our second stop, Senor Roy's Taco Stand. Now, they have delicious tacos but not when running. Our challenge, to each eat a burrito and polish off a vitamin water. I'm going to say we gave those food eating competitors a run for their money, I was so proud of our team. We polished them off in about 3 minutes and continued on our way.
The rest of the stops consisted of mind challenges, obstacle courses, and buying items from the grocery store. It was about 4 miles, so imaging shoveling burritos down your throat with a 32 ounce vitamin water and running 4 miles after you just about threw up from running up a hill - it's tough.
All and all we had a blast! We didn't come in first, but a marathon team has won it 3 years in a row and we are convinced they cheat. There are easy ways to cheat, like having someone buy your groceries and meet you at the finish line (you basically cut 3 stops out and about 2 miles) but what fun is that? It's more about racing around town and giggling with your friends but Cinciditarod if you are reading these, you need to fix the kinks!
We were disappointed our dance didn't place, it was amazing. You can watch the video below. One of the winning teams was Jersey Shore, they basically fist pumped for a minute, not sure how they placed? I think it's because the judges like Jersey Shore. We are definitely doing this again next year - I recommend it!