Friday, August 28, 2009
The Secret Word!!!
Well, it's not that I was dreaming of going to a dirty movie , but my friend, Paul, reminded me today that it's fun to just be a kid sometimes. So we started talking about Penny from Pee Wee's Playhouse. She was my all time favorite character on the show! She resembles me in ways, other than the pennies for eyes (Duh!) But her whole deal was talking about cute random things and just rambling on and on about them. Like a little kid does or like how I tell stories and blurt out totally random things. See her clip here telling us how to make toast. So darn cute!
Then there was Chairry, the talking blue recliner. I LOVED her too! She was so cute and just loved to snuggle up Pee Wee when he sat in her. I mean, who wouldn't want a chair that snuggled you and kept you warm and safe? I would spend a lot of money for a chair that did that and occasionally would give me life lessons. I wonder what Chairry did if Pee Wee farted on her?
Then there was the toilet looking chair that sat next to Chairry, I guess his name was Dog Chair. He played no real big part other than to give me nightmares and be afraid to use the potty in the dark as a kid.
Other than Penny, who didn't love Conky. He dispensed the best part about the show, THE SECRET WORD!!! The word of the day that whenever it was said everyone went crazy and I even went crazy at home. They were words like, bang, keyboard, bird, etc. I think we should implement that into our everyday lives. Be like, every time someone says the work ship today I'm going to get really really excited. Try it, see if people are freaked out by you.
So when you get overwhelmed thikg about being a kid. Pee Wee's Playhouse reminds me of those fun Saturday mornings eating cereal in front of the TV and looking forward to playing in the neighborhood with my friends. Nothing got my day started off better than the opening credits to Pee Wee Herman!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Good Old Pocket Dial

Nothing is worse than checking out your call log and being like, WHAT, I called them at 3:30 AM Saturday night? No, this isn't a drunk dial to an ex or booty call, but the drunk dial that your butt made to your co-worker of brother that probably consisted or a lot of fuzzy noises and giggling.
I always get these from Jim's sister MJ - she is notorious for the butt dial. She blames it on having me in her favorites, which is nice, but they usually come at odd hours during the week (College kids!) I tend to butt dial my brother a lot, so I guess it might have something to do with the favorites, but MJ's butt dials are always extremely interesting.
Just to give you a few: Once time she was traveling in a car full of girls, they were talking about what kind of meat they like to eat, ya know, steak, pot roast, etc. get your mind outta the gutter folks! The other time she was walking into a movie with her sister Molly, they were going to a chick flick so it was a lot of, OMG, No way, OTH (please check texting blog).
This blog is totally random but I was just thinking about it because I got pocket dialed last night!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Our Future Is In Their Hands!
Well, this 10 year old boy who lives in Orlando, FL is keeping up with technology (thanks to some help from parents I'm sure) and started his own video blog. It has random things on it, like how to make pickles, him singing, him being a kid but it's the video below that caught my attention online.
For all you Internet geeks out there that spend time surfing the web and love sites that share totally random facts about the Internet, like, then you may know about the "Code Monkey". Basically, this guy Jonathan Coulton, wrote and developed this YouTube song/video about being a "Code Monkey" in the Internet world (Paul, my stalker, this is you).
I love this video for several reason, but will give you my top 3 below:
- It's funny since the kid probably isn't able to view more than 50% of Internet videos and blogs due to his age
- I am very intrigued that he painted on a work shirt with a pocket protector but then painted his face like a cat - his 10 year old imagination is taking over thinking a cat could wear a pocket protector (duh, we all know that only dogs can do this since they are smart and not creepy)
- The song is kind of addicting.
So, enjoy the video and have fun thinking that as we get older kids like this are going to rule the world.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Obessed, I Think So?

So, Chili has been cleared by the vet and has gotten her Rabies and other vaccinations to interact with the real world. She's gone to dog parties and even swimming at the Gilday's pool parties on Sunday!
But, poor little Chili couldn't be on any other medications because of the pneumonia that she got a case of tapeworms :( It's like one thing after another for the little pup! But we've got her on medication and started her flea treatments so she's on her way to perfection!
Tonight is her first obedience class so hopefully soon enough she'll be the perfect little pup. But honestly, she is so good without the obedience I can't complain. She's sweet, doesn't potty in the house, usually only chews her toys but sometimes still gets snippy so we have to nip that in the butt ASAP (no pun intended).
Friday, August 14, 2009
It's Excercise RIght?

But then, low and behold I had an idea! While doing a little work project for Paul, I started thinking about all things that are exercising that I never even consider. Sure, running, biking, hiking, elliptical, walking are the first things that come to mind, but then I started thinking about all the other things I do that are exercises too! I do soccer, volleyball, swimming, softball, tennis and a lot more!
But there are others things out there that you don't even consider to be exercises? Well, since this project was for Paul I couldn't take it all serious. So I thought of all the other things I've done in my life that are exercises, WDYT, would you consider the following exercises?
Moon Bounce, Beer Drinking, Thumb Wrestling, Dodgeball, Mud Races or Hanky Panky?
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sometimes as a joke, like when I first heard about Michael Jackson's death I got blasted with about 40 text messages, but I also sent out the following text message when I heard it on the radio "OMG, MJ is RIP! and peeps got it! And all night long it was a joke because everyone wanted to be the first to break the news, so every time we heard it it went something like this " OMG, No Way, :( SBT"
My favorite use of text language is the NTB, who thanks to my friend Fagel (now likes to be called Emily) this is a commonly used term amongst our friends.
I also must say I sometimes abuse the emoticons, even admit to changing them around every once in awhile. But nothing is better than a bouncing kiss from your lover or an angry red screen from your friend right?
I still have to agree that I like the AOL emoticons the best. Sure, the Wee Mees react to funny words like vomit, jump, bad and do things like vomit, jump and spit...but they can never compare to that good old happy smiley face that comes across the screen.
Oh yeah, if you don't know what the text language is above figure it out like parents do here. And if you want to see how text messages and emoticons can go horribly wrong check that out here.
Until next time.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Duel Personalities

So, with all this sad dog talk I thought I'd switch it up and post a lighthearted blog. I wouldn't have thought to post about this funny conversation, if it wasn't for Paul who is obsessed with my blog and it's all he ever thinks about.
So today at work we got talking today about dogs and how you can totally tell a lot about the dog owner by the personality of the dog. I'm sure you've heard of this, right? Like, somehow magically the dog owner and the dog share a bunch of tendencies.
It's totally true, think about every person you know that has owned a dog for awhile and then think about the personalities of each of them. I'll give you some examples. Take Paris Hilton and Tinkerbell, or Jessica Simpson and Daisy, Perez Hilton and Teddy - the list could go on and on. So, I began to think about people I know and what their dogs would be like...I mean we did this for hours so I just wanted to name few. After reading this blog, immediately waste some time thinking about the people you know.
I decided that Jim's dog, if he had his own and didn't share one with me, would be the dog that likes to seclude himself from others and is always getting into the liquor cabinet and is absolutely appalled by rolling in the dirt. Paul's dog would be the dog who is always trying to clown around for everyone and make them laugh, you could also find these dog running the streets alone late at night looking into every one's window. Annie's dog would be the one who's sweet in front of all the owners, but as soon as it is just the dogs and no humans, is the biggest trouble maker. Finally, Emily's dog would be the one who tries to sell you drugs and later cuts you with a switchblade.
Again, I could do on forever but I do find it to be a very interesting fact and very true. PS, if you don't know Emily and you meet her on the streets run the other way.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Chili Update
Well I think she is improving because last night I saw the first glimpse of her puppy life coming out. When we adopted her she was very calm and sweet and didn't want to do anything wrong. Well, last night that all changed! She was jumping around the house, barking, chewing and not listening to a thing her mom was telling her!
I took her for a long walk, out on the hour every hour to "go potty" and she still took a poop in the house. To make matters worse she has had diarrhea and did it on the carpet! I caught her in the act and yelled "NO!" which immediately prompted her to run through the poop, around the house, on the ivory couch and lay down. It was a mess to clean up and I was annoyed!
But that's all part of being a puppy and I'm so glad she is going to be ok so today we are beginning to crate train and do all the stuff we felt bad doing to her when she was sick. We still have one more appointment on Friday for X-Rays but the sun is shining and Chili was soaking it up!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Pray for Chili
We have until Wednesday AM, when she will get her next X-Rays and see how she is progressing. If she has not improved or the situation has worsened we will have to put her down. I really pray and hope that she turns around!
Right now I'm pissed off at the SPCA for sending home such a sick dog with a loving family. Adopting a shelter dog saves lives and families willing to do so should not be adopting and falling in love with a sick dog. Not only have we invested a thousand dollars in this dog, we have our hearts invested. To have to put her down would be extremely difficult.
To make matters worse, when we adopted the dog the woman working the counter was rude and pardon my french a bitch! The only compensation financially and emotionally they give you is, return the dog and exchange it. Like it's a piece of clothing.
I'm just really upset and pissed off right now and really hope she makes it! Pray for her in the next 24 hours and hopefully a few months from now we are writing happy Chili stories!
Our New Girl

We finally got a dog!!! After many debates and votes we landed on the name "Chili"! We like this name for several reasons: We live in Cincinnati and Chili is a big deal (we are the "Chili Capitol of America", she is brown and as soon as we said the name her ears perked up and we both agreed on the two syllable word and think this is unique to Cincinnati dogs:)
I am sure I will write a ton of blogs about her as time goes on, but I'm going to tell the story about how we got her first.
So, we had gone to several websites and a few shelters looking for a great dog to adopt. We finally ended up at the SPCA and had lots of dogs to choose from. Jim really fell in love with this beagle, but he was unavailable and already had someone interested in providing him a good home. So we kept testing out dogs, some were too wild, too shaggy, mean and then their was Chili. She was cute, playful and pretty calm. It was a big scary decision, but we took the leap and adopted her.
So home she came but as the night went on she started to develop a pretty bad cough! We kept her through the night Saturday but it got much worse come Sunday morning and she was beginning to leak mucus out her nose. Being that it is a Sunday, we had to make an emergency visit to the Pet ER.
I originally went alone, thinking it was not going to be a big deal and we'd get meds and be on our way. Well, I was sorely mistaken. The vet encouraged me to get X-Rays and test for pneumonia and worms. She warned me it was pricey, but I felt it was worth the investment.
Sure enough, the poor little girl has severe pneumonia. Her lungs a completely filled with fluid and that is why she is hacking up mucus and having trouble breathing. The vet also encouraged us to test for Parvo, cause with both her chances of survival are small and would most likely need to be put down (yes, I immediately was crying and called Jim and made him come up)! Luckily, she did not have Parvo and we developed a treatment plan.
We walked out of the ER with a $500 pet bill for a dog we had less than 24 hours. I am taking her to the vet today to figure out our next steps and hopefully get her back to normal. I am so excited to see her grow and what her personality is like. Right now, I think she's acting a little different than normal due to the infection.
She is just too cute and I hope we make good parents!