Monday, April 26, 2010

Picture Paints A Thousand Words

Over the weekend I was hanging with one of my friends who was cracking up at a picture another one of our friends sent us via text. All of us get these all the time and they crack us up so I though I would share a few of them that make me laugh when I see them. I have a ton more but they are really not Internet appropriate.

Photo #1
Yep that's me barefoot and shoeless in a bar at about 1A. Right before this photo was snapped I turned to my friend and said "I just wanna dance". And this came after - dancing shoeless in a bar hair flipping, booty popping and dropping - Sunday was awful!

Photo #2
This was a Jimmy Buffet concert so enough should be said about this photo. This was taken after many Corona's, tequila shots and baking in the parking lot sun for hours. At this point in the day I think I had just enough partying in me I was actually considering kissing his parrot.

Photo #3
This is me in Jodie's car, Tiffany or Penny (I can't remember), mocking the neck rest in the backseat for those long car rides she apparently goes on. We were laughing not only at the neck rest but also remembering that in high school I had a Mickey Mouse painted onto the bumper of my Honda (it came with the car). This night ended up just as funny as it started - good times!
Photo #4
A practical joke pulled on Paul at the office. We found an old bottle of wine that looked like urine so we put it in this mason jar with a cute little note to HR: Dear Rachel, Your office was locked so here's my "sample" there shouldn't be a problem. Ps. Sorry, I had asparagus for lunch.
Photo #5 & 6
I truly love my dog Chili so I couldn't not have a photo of her in here. Photo 5 is Chili monster getting ready to fly home from Gigglemoor. She's is pretty spoiled and only flies private so here she is all strapped in the back seat ready to go. Photo 6 is Jim and Chili in the Giggle Truck just being cute, I love them so much!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sweet Boy

I don't blog that often about "my boo" but he has been too sweet this past week not to. He's going to hate this blog and I'm not the biggest fan of it either, but believe it or not I have a loss of thoughts and words this week.

So here's why he is so sweet:
  1. He randomly sent me a Groupon to Urbanity Spa that said "to pretty up and already pretty face". Which means he was listening when I said I haven't had a facial in forever but would rather spend the money on clothes. Then boom...I get a gift certificate.

  2. Later in the week I get a notice that someone has something to tell me and it takes me to a website where people can randomly say why they love you. See picture. It's his style, cute and funny. "I love you because your pretty face and you let me stay out late".
He didn't do anything wrong and we weren't even making up, he was just being a sweet boy and I love him even more for it!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Googling Yourself

If you haven't done it yet than you are lying, everyone Googles themselves. If you haven't done it yet and you aren't lying than you better do it - it's the best way to know what's out their about yourself and to try to control it. If you've never Googled your lover, do it! Anytime you are meeting someone personally and especially business contacts get to know them first (there is nothing wrong with this)!

I work for an Internet company, am on Facebook, have a blog, Tweet, etc. so I'm going to be out there a lot. Plus, I've done a lot of things recently that have been featured in press related items so my name comes up a lot. And the biggest topper, my last name is really unique UHLMANSIEK.

My last name is the topic of conversation whenever I meet someone. Where are you from, how many of them are there, etc. Well to be honest, not that many (that I know of) - as a matter of fact my immediate family and grandparents are the only ones I know. My Dad was an only child his dad was an only child so the name has been kept pretty tight. My brother has a lot weighing on his shoulders so get to it!

Anyhoo, the whole point of this blog is that I Googled myself yesterday just to do a check and decided to click on the image link too. Well low and behold the third picture amid all the correct pictures was the one featured to the right. Another Jenny Uhlmansiek and she's on Facebook- WHAT?

So I did some more Internet stalking and found nothing. This poor girl has to compete with my name and all the stuff on the Internet for SparkPeople so gets little to no love from Google. So I went back and forth on friending her on Facebook but finally decided not to. Part of my decision was that one of the only groups she belongs to is "safe connections" - meaning she probably doesn't accept strangers and only having 100 Facebook friends should probably tell me that.

Other Jenny Uhlmansiek if you read this blog and would like to be friends feel free to be my Facebook friend, I won't find it weird.

Monday, April 12, 2010


I was going to write about butterflies and roses or something like that until I came across this picture of Heidi Montag - GROSS! Seriously, what on earth has happened to her? She looks so plastic - I feel bad for her family. Her new boobs are ridiculous, somebody please get her help!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Telling It Like It Is

First off, I watch Gossip Girl and I'm not afraid to be 28 and admit it! If you read my blog you know there are much worse things I watch. Anyhoo, last week I caught the most amazing commercial during Gossip Girl, which is rare thanks to DVR! I thought it was a joke at first but after some research have come to discover it's a whole movement to have women not be so embarrassed about their period.

Kotex has taken a different approach and tried to discover why people are so freaky about periods with their U by Kotex campaign. Basically, Kotex has created a campaign that mocks the past several years of Period ads that have been in media. You can see in this first ad they are mocking the pretty girl at funny angles telling you what to buy AND of course wearing white - If you are a girl you know you never wear white while on your period.

In the next video, found on the Kotex website, you see a real women telling you how she wouldn't do all these things featured in the commercial. Like yeah, when I'm on my period I want to dance and do cartwheels through an open field? Who were these creative geniuses making the first ads?

As I mentioned, after seeing this ad I immediately went and checked out their website only to discover there are several hilarious videos giving you the real dish about your period. Check out this undercover video of a man buying tampons for his girlfriend, or this video and see how people are so afraid to say the word vagina or penis (that was even hard to type) and last check out this one and make sure to take care of your beaver, it's the only one you have!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy April Fool's Day

I saw this ad the other day and it made me laugh. It's April Fool's Day and I could put a good joke in here but I got nothing so instead enjoy this joke.