Tuesday, March 31, 2009
As Seen On TV - Oh Harold!
Anyways, I needed to laugh today and YouTubed injuries and came across several that were hilarious, like this famous Grape Lady Fall, but the one featured below just sent me over the edge.
Watch the clip and you will know why. I just love the woman going "Oh Harold, are you ok?" and then Harold trying to redeem himself so that you still might want to buy this piece of crap that just broke when he tested it. I bet they sold about 10 at most.
Anyways, do you typically buy a lot of stuff from TV? My boyfriend gets sucked into these things and then ends up with things like The Tobi, stored in his closet or the Rolling Razor (in camo) stuck to the shower wall. I'm not going to lie, I've been tempted before but usually don't purchase because of videos like this one.
Friday, March 27, 2009
It's Friday- Just Dance?
Our news is somewhat of a joke at times. We hardly ever get the major news reports as our headline stories, instead it will be something like "Local Dog Rescues Teddy Bear from Drowning in River". I can barely stand to watch the news because it never tells me what I really want to hear, that's what the Internet is for.
So, in honor of having very little to blog about today I'm showing you what our local news channel does when they have nothing to report on....they just dance?
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
A Train Wreck in Your Arteries

Literally, a Train Wreck in Your Arteries!!
I was at a local establishment on Sunday afternoon to watch some NCAA games and eat the best burger in Cincinnati. Zip’s CafĂ© in Mt. Lookout Square is consistently voted as the Best Burger in Cincinnati and I agree. In addition to the burgers, you have to try the chili, grilled cheese and the shoestring fries. Nothing about this screams healthy, but it’s worth it every once in awhile. It’s affordable and way better than Fat Burger!
On Sunday, my friend Stefanie and I noticed that they were advertising a “Train Wreck”. At first we thought maybe the train that circles the restaurant does some fantastic amazing trick and spews alcohol or jumps the track – but we were way far off on that one. The manager/bartender and a friend of mine, Mike, informed us that it is a new sandwich and that the man on the end of the bar just ate one. We were like, well what is it? So here it goes :
- ¼ pound Hamburger
- 1 Mettwurst
- 1 piece of ham
- 3 pieces of cheese
- Lettuce, tomato, onion and pickle
- Ketchup, mustard and mayo
- 1 hamburger bun
Holy Cow – Literally! I mean I couldn’t even get my mouth around this thing to take a bite. My heart skipped a beat just thinking about this sandwich and one of my arteries already panicked at the thought of surgery. This is just absurd and would totally put me on the couch for two weeks.
So, curiosity got the best of me and I had to know how many calories are in this Train Wreck? Well, unfortunately they do not list the contents of their food online – but I used SparkPeople’s Food Tracker to estimate the totals. So, below is how much this puppy sets you back:
- Total Calories = 1,310
- Total Carbs = 83
- Total Fat = 79
- Protein = 68
And this is without the grease that I’m sure is sitting on the grill, butter on the bread etc. That is almost my calories for the day, already exceeds my Fat for the day and is without the fries, chili and other condiments you would add to this meal. YIKES!!!
Zip’s is still awesome and people eat this sort of thing up, it’s just not for me. For another example of an awful food gimmick, check out Rob’s Blog on The Fifth Third Burger.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Working For The Weekend
I'm one of those lucky people who has had two real world jobs in my life and loved both of them. It makes my weeks fly by but I still need some "me" time on the weekends.
I saw this clip on CNN and thought it was too good not to feature. Here is a man who really likes his job, well I don't know if he likes it but he has a good time doing it and that's what makes it fun right? I would love to be on one of his flights, I might just fly Southwest for awhile and hope to get on his flight - if not, maybe I could be like Jack Shepard and fly around hoping to crash on an exotic island that has magical powers?
Click here for a cell phone clip someone took while on one of his flights.
Keep Rappin'!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Summer = Golf
The warm weather means that Spring and Summer are quickly approaching. The past couple summers I really enjoyed getting out and playing golf. I am an outdoor person and hate sitting around doing nothing when the weather is nice. Last summer, I purchased my first set of my own golf clubs and spent a lot of time practicing.
This summer, I am really going to put my skills to practice. I am going to get out and play more, even if I have to do it on my own. Possibly pick up lessons. I enjoy the smell of cut grass, the beauty of the courses, drinking a beer or two and getting quality time with the person you are playing with. Jim is really good, so maybe he will give me a lesson or two (hint hint if you are reading).
I saw this clip on the Internet and it made me laugh a little. A totally absurd product when a man can just do it in the woods. I drink a lot of water so a product like this, if possible, for a girl would have been much more amusing. But enjoy!
Looking forward to many summer golf days!
Monday, March 16, 2009
I Gottta Use it
Isn't it the worst when you have to use the restroom and one isn't in sight? Or even worse, you are standing at a bar in line and listening to others relieve themselves? Well, as a kid sometimes we forget to tell our parents, teachers or others that we had to "use it".
Well fear not my friends and parents, Pull-Ups has created a jingle with a Macarena like dance to remind kids to tell others they have to "use it". Simply put your hands out and then grab your crotch, like Michael Jackson. If you really have to go dance around a little bit. The message isn't as bad as it seems though because they did it in a dream world like atmosphere with a Biz Markie impersonator singing.
I am yet to see this on TV, but I'm not sure it's going to have as much traction as this famous ad campaign found here.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
A Night with Legends
I was lucky enough to be one of the people who logged in and got tickets when they went on sale (of course with the ridiculous Ticketmaster feed added- BOO!!)
Like I said, they played the best songs. Both Billy Joel & Elton John played all their hits, such as "Your Song", "We Didn't Start the Fire", "Tiny Dancer" and much more. One of my all time favorite Elton John songs is "Daniel". Of course I was bouncing off the walls when it came on, I captured some video of it below. Please ignore my singing and swaying, it's such a classic.
I really enjoy their music and love that they play the piano. I guess I never talked about this previously, but I took piano lessons for most of my life. My Mom played the piano and I get my musical talent from her genes, but music is something I really enjoy. Playing any type of instrument calms me, but I really took to piano. Someday, when I own a house like this, I will have a grand piano in my living room and play all the time - maybe even start up lessons again.
Below is the finale song, "Piano Man", and you can tell the crowd was really loving it. I like this clip because it also captures some of their amazing piano skills as they both work the keys together.
All in all it was amazing. I feel really lucky I got to see them in concert with a great group of friends!
Monday, March 9, 2009
A Great Day To Fly

Jim, who is a liscened VFR pilot, decided to take me and my friend Megan for a flight. I have been bugging (nagging) Jim to take me on a flight to my Alma Mater, Ohio University, for quite some time and on Saturday he made all my dreams come true (well, not all, but at least he fulfilled this one)!
So Megan, Jim and I took flight to OU to have a little fun. It was a little windy up there which caused a very turbulent flight. I definitely lost my stomach a few times and got nervous, so kuddos to Megan who didn't seem scared at all...even though she probably felt like this.

We arrived to the fabulous college, were greeted by students lugging cases of Nati Light down the street, short shorts, partying on patios, mysterious smoke billowing from windows and a Tour De Jenny Circa 1999-2003. We ate a a local establishment, checked out my Senior House, walked around and just did it up. I sure wish we could have stayed the night and partied with all the shirtless college boys playing beer pong a cornhole at 2PM - oh the days to be young and carefree!
We arrived back in Cincinnati safely and can't wait to do it all over again. I hate OSU, so here's too all you OSU people who do the dumb OSU all over the world things -it's a little distorted, thanks iPhone, but to the best Ohio School ever - GO BOBCATS!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009
My Favorite Superbowl 2009 Commercial
My favorite is Bruno, the mailman chasing Emu, followed closely by the Frisbee fetching bull. Watch the clip...did you have another favorite? Let me know?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Bad Airlines, Bad Airlines
The vacation went great, until we were heading back to the airport to come home after a long weekend of celebrating. So here it starts :
- Discover our flight is canceled due to weather. Drive to the airport to get on a new flight.
- Delta informs us that there are no flights back to our home until Tuesday (it's Sunday)
- We provide them the idea to look for flights at surrounding airports near our home, for example Indy. - nothing
- We then provide them the idea to look for departures from surrounding airports
- The agent tell us she has found something from Columbia to Dayton for that evening, but we would have to rent a car and drive there. We take it.
- A couple next to us has been at the airport since early morning and their agent didn't offer them this idea. We watch them explode at the agent who was terrible and clearly did not care that she made a mistake.
- Rent a $160 rental car and drive 2 hours in traffic and rain to Columbia, SC.
- Go to get tickets only to discover the agent misread the flight information and reserved our seats for a flight out the following night (after she promised it was that evening)
- Columbia informs us that the earliest we can get out from anywhere at this point is the flight the following night.
- Check into a hotel for an additional $200
- Eat out again for an additional $100
- Confirm with the rental car agency, Thrifty, that we can keep the car an additional day for no charge. An agent named Michelle in Charleston, SC confirms this with us.
- Spend night and wake up to go back to airport, even though our flight isn't until 5PM
- Receive a call from Michelle that she made a mistake and had to charge us $360 instead of the original quote. She tries to hang up on us, doesn't accept her mistake and says there is nothing she can do. Is afraid to give us her name, but must, and says she will call back...she never calls back, even after we call her back and leave a message.
- Get to the airport, the Thrifty Agent in Columbia was great and only charged us the day....good job Thrifty here, but gotta do something about that Michelle lady.
- Wait at ticket counter in fear as the agent tell us the Charleston agent made another mistake, she should have issued us tickets on the spot and didn't. Fortunately this man was able to override the system and get us on board.
- Finally, get on a plane after it was delayed awhile and arrive home almost two days after our original date.
I know it was weather, but the extra $500 was not weather related. It is because the Delta agent was rushing, didn't care about her customers and had horrible training on using the system. I will definitely try to not fly Delta when possible.