Wednesday, October 6, 2010


As you can tell from reading my blog, I like to travel and so does Jim. We jump on any opportunity to travel and always love to find new places. As we began our registry Jim told me about a website that allows people to donate towards your honeymoon!

The website is and basically you can select ways for people to donate towards your honeymoon. You can have them buy dinners, adventure packages, spa packages, etc. I absolutely love it for couples like Jim and I who have lived together for awhile and accumulated house ware products through the years. While we still need some house ware items, we would truly appreciate the ability to take the honeymoon of a lifetime.

Check out the site and read more about it; if it moves you feel free to donate:) If you know anyone else getting married pass this along, it is a great alternative to a traditional wedding gift. Plus, there are no shipping fees, wrapping fees, etc.