Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Moving Soon

Jim and I have been living in a cramped up one bedroom apartment for quite some time, and in about two weeks we are moving into a new house!! YAY!!!

This past weekend we did a lot of shopping for some of the big household appliances we still need (and by a lot of shopping I mean two full days, I felt like this by the end). But the move is a little over two weeks away and the closing date is a week away.

I’m so excited about all the new appliances, especially the fridge. We are having some design conflicts, such as he likes super modern and I like inbetween modern and traditional - comfort folks! But I am super dupser excited to have a partio, backyard and possibly room for a dog!

I have been overwhelmed with work , moving and heading to San Diego for the First Ever SparkPeople Convention this weekend!!! Sorry for the lack of blogs, but more to come soon.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Play Him/Her Off

Play Him/Her Off, Keyboard Cat! Have you heard about this? If not, you probably don't surf YouTube as often as I do or do not fall into the click here traps on blogs.

Well, the whole idea behind Keyboard Cat is that when someone or something messes up you cut to the video of the keyboard cat. So when someone falls, messes up their lines, etc. you cut to a clip of the keyboard cat and then repeat their mess up after. See video below.

Well, we do a lot of filming at work for workout videos and products. This week while filming, Nicole made a boo boo on the prize we are giving away for a competition and then couldn't stop thinking about keyboard cat. Watch the clip below for a chuckle, thanks to Paul for sending me this.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Eminem Is Back

Eminem is known for pushing the edge and poking fun of other celebrities - his new video does this and made me crack up.

Becuase MTV and VH1 really aren't music channels anymore, unless you catch videos on YouTube you never see these things. I caught wind of this video on a media blog I read and had to check it out. It's pretty funny and if you watch all the celebrity junk like I do you will totally get it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

A Good Man

This blog was prompted due to some sad news I received this weekend from my cousin Angela, who also went to Ohio University and worked at the Oak Room Bar & Grill with me. She was in Athens, OH visiting her boyfriend’s family and learned that one of the owner’s has been diagnosed with lung cancer. Jeanne Sparhawk is the loving wife of the late Jon Sparhawk and has been a great mother and amazing person to everyone she meets. After years and years of smoking her body has succumbed to the damage and Jeanne is now fighting for her life against a terrible disease. I ask that everyone sends their thoughts and prayers to her and her family as she battles this disease.

When I heard about Jeanne it made me think about Jon Sparhawk, who was my boss and mentor for many years while I was at college. He was the type of man that everyone knew and loved, you couldn’t walk into the bar without stopping to talk with Jon. He was there from dusk to dawn and always in a good mood. He was the kind of boss you didn’t mind hanging around all the time…sure he’d yell at you or tell you to work hard, but it was this great relationship he had with all his workers that made working there so amazing.

I never knew walking in an taking that job would change the path I took in college and in my career. After losing my father my freshman year at college, I didn’t really grasps the concept of fatherly advice and tended to sheer away from it because of the memories it would bring up. But after working at the Oak Room for awhile, I found myself coming in early, picking up shifts or staying later to just sit and talk with Jon. From school, to boys, drugs, alcohol and business – the kind of things you wouldn’t find yourself discussing with an older boss over a Ohio brewed beer on a Sunday afternoon after church. But that was the kind of guy Jon was.

He pushed ideas and wanted nothing but the best for local restaurants in Athens and for the Oak Room. He constantly picked our brains for the next best thing, how to make the Oak Room even bigger and better. How to get in the right type of crowd – not just the obnoxious drinkers but the people who would become regulars. And they came - I could name off the top of my head the regulars, what they ate, drank, tipped and if they would give me advice based on our last conversation. Those regulars gave me graduation gifts – that’s just the kind of place Jon made.

Over the years Jon became a father figure to me and he never even knew it. I would borrow his truck, pick up shifts for extra cash, do dinners at his house, rent from him and much more. He gave me real world experience building promotions, placing ads and how to utilize your own personality and network to take things even further. He made things happen – a small idea can become a movement…and he did just that. He left a legacy in Athens and across Ohio, developing Brew Week - see how he impacted Athens here.

I would go back and visit Jon all the time, no matter how little I was in town or how out of the way it was I always made my way to the Oak Room. Jon was known for pitching in wherever he could, whether busing dishes, catering, bringing out fries, etc. he always helped his employees. Jon was doing just this when he passed away suddenly of a heart attack. He was doing what he loved best to support his family.

The picture here is how I remember Jon. In his Hawaiian shirt, laughing out loud, usually smoking a Winston, drinking iced tea and making an impression on everyone he met. He was a great man and many people miss his dearly. Please pray for his wife and family in their time of need.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Summer is officially here when we start talking about Gigglemoor. It is the best place and the name says it all - Gigglemoor!

Jim's parents have a lake house in Vonore, TN on Lake Telico called Gigglemoor. We go there at least 3 times a summer, sometimes with family and other times with friends. No matter what, it is filled with good food, laughter and love.

We are heading there this weekend for Easter with Jim's family and I am so excited to be back - it feels like forever since being there. Since last time, they have gotten a new rescue dog that I can't wait to meet- Rocky.

So you will see several blogs about Gigglemoor this summer because it really is like heaven. You can't go there or leave there mad because it's impossible. It's a place of magic.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I've Been Busy

I've been really busy with work and traveling the past here you have it. A random video that makes me giggle.