Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Secret Life of Mee's

Like the title? Yeah, it’s catchy and a spin off the book “The Secret Live of Bees”. Plus, it’s kind of a mystery because you really have no idea what it means and the picture totally throws you off. Well, it’s about secrets. “The one’s we keep from others and the one’s we keep from ourselves” – Unknown.

I had a great night last night with some girlfriends, one in particular. We discussed the secrets of our relationships and ourselves. The kind of secrets you can only share with someone else who has been there before. But after having this talk, I thought a little bit about what I’m keeping from myself.

A LOT…not necessarily a secret per say, but something’s I know are important to me and I brush them under a rug because I’m scared or others tell me I shouldn't. Well, I decided I’m not going to do that. If it’s something that’s important to me or just who I am or how I act, I’m not changing and I’m worth it! It’s not easy to change things you want your whole life. Imagine how many times you’ve said, “I’m never doing that again” or “I’m never drinking again” but you are back in the saddle the following night. Well these are things bigger than that, things that make me who I am. And people have loved me or hated me for it – more people have loved me for it.

So there’s my rant after my night last night. It’s been bugging me for awhile and it’s a triumph, I’m moving forward with what makes me happy right now. Either you are in or you or out, but I ain’t changing for no one.

To wrap this up and get back on track with secrets….one of my favorite blogs to read is Sometimes they make you laugh, sometimes they make you cry and sometimes they are just stupid. But, after reading it I know what my post card would be if I sent it in, but I’m not going to share that with you cause than it wouldn’t be in Postsecret fashion. I will give you a hint, it would involve a beach with my written message on top. Consisting of 3 sentences, 32 words and 1 important secret I’ve not told anyone else.

Monday, February 23, 2009


This is nuts! Girl, if your weave is thick and strong enough to stop a bullet it's gotsta look fake! I am cracking up at this. I am happy that she survived the attack, but this shit is good!

Her biggest concern now is her window? WHAT? How about getting a new weave and a man who isn't gonna shoot you!

Friday, February 20, 2009

I'm Still Laughing

If you read my blog you know I love The Soup on E! This was on a recent episode and I still crack up every time I see it. The video below is a knock off, but you can find the real clip here. Check out the real clip to get the full effect and see how weird Al Roker really is. Happy Friday!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Local Celebrities

This morning a co-worker and myself did the Fox 19 Morning News Show. Nicole, aka Coach Nicole, is a trainer at SparkPeople. She is who kicks my butt in spinning, teaches my Monday Pilate's class and sometimes gives SparkPeople employees small Pilate's Reformer classes.

We were on the show to discuss how you can lose wight and get fit all at home for little to no cost. Nicole did all the talking and brought me along as the exercise model :) Nicole did a great job and the segment can be viewed by clicking on the following link.

Sparker's on the News

I hate watching myself do things. But check it out and then check out SparkPeople.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, in case you haven’t noticed the increase in Hallmark commercials or jewelry ads (shout out to Jared’s & Emily).

It is a cheesy Holiday and if you are single you hate it, and if you are with someone you kind of hate it too (at least me). I am with someone and I kind of am annoyed with it because honestly why on earth should I get a gift of love on one day only? I should totally be appreciated throughout our relationship and not need some Holiday to have him remember that. Plus, it’s always this anticipation of “What did you get?” or “Is a ring coming?” and then when you say you got a card and dinner people are let down and it kind of makes you let down…darn society!

Anyways, I’m not looking for an extravagant gift, and know my boyfriend isn’t getting me one. If he was smart he might ready my blog today and know that all I really want is dinner, kind words and a buddy for Needy (our pet dog).

Any who, I read an article online today that said that Senior Muslim Clerics have urged youngsters in Sudan to boycott Valentine’s Day as it may lead couples in the wrong direction. And by wrong direction, they mean taking public strolls in the park. Now, it is a difference in religion and a difference in culture but what really threw me for a loop is the following statement.

"Valentine's Day comes from Western countries. I call on Muslims not to imitate Christians. The money that is spent on Valentine's Day would be better spent encouraging young people to marry, " said preacher Sheikh Hassan Hamid.

WHAT!! Yeah, could you imagine this. I will simply tell my boyfriend not to buy me a Valentine’s Day gift and save it up for that ring he is planning on buying me. HA, he would literally pack up and move out. Could you just imagine the Jared’s commercial “ This Valentine’s Day don’t buy your wife the heart necklace that is so cheesy, but put it towards our fine collection of engagement rings. It could only be Jared’s!”

I also would like to apologize to anyone who reads my blog and receives jewelry from Jared’s. I mean a diamond is a diamond and I would accept it, but their advertising drives me NUTS!

Happy Valentine’s Day

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Love Will Find A Way

Because it’s LOVE week I’m sharing a touching story that comes from a lot of tragedy in Australia. If you are not aware, some of the most devastating forest fires have swept across Australia, killing over 170 people and destroying much more. However, amidst all this tragedy a video was released of one touching story of survival and the love that exist in people and animals. I just think it is so cute and reminds me that this is what love is all about.

Volunteer firefighter David Tree was out in the bush and came across a burned koala bear in the woods. Unlike most animals in the wild, this koala bear did not run or in any way seem alarmed by David Tree. I could imagine that it was very confused and just happy to see another mammal in the same situation as itself. As you can tell from the video below, the koala bear warms up to David and actually drinks water from him while holding his hand. David Tree and company rescued this koala bear and took it to a nearby shelter where it has since picked up a boyfriend, another burned koala bear at the shelter. It has been said that the two koala bears have been caught hugging and comforting one another as they share a special bond.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Another Successful 80s Party

The party was a blast. I'm posting a few pics below and high lighting some of the events.

The first pic is all the host!

The several other pics are some of my favorite costumes I saw throughout the night that needed a mention.

The first, that is a Ghostbuster carrying a Ghostbuster pack. This pack had flashing lights and actually shot out liquor, it was completely amazing and homemade.

The next pic were two of my other favorite outfits. Flava Flav and the Boston Celtics Player (yes, that is Jim in the middle).

Mike as Indiana Jones was great because his costume was so fitting.
Last but not least, Johnny and Danny from Karate Kid. This was a great costume because it allowed them to fight each other in front of everyone and we all watched and giggled.

The party was a success and thanks to everyone who came! We now have the ability to mentor kids and allow them to do things they usually cannot while at the same time receiving life lessons!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Are You Smitten???

Now this is just absurd, if these people make a lot of money off these I will be angry. It's like the product you think, now why didn't I do that after they make millions??? This couples million dollar idea was to create a pair of mittens that allow you to walk and hold hands inside your gloves and stay warm, I introduce you to The Smitten.

You can tell by checking out the web page that these were created by one of those couples you see walking the streets holding hands and you are thinking "Can that really be comfortable holding hands that long, those people are weird?"

This is like the Snuggy times 20!! You only fall for this scam if you only shop at the As Seen On TV Store. If I had time on my hands and wanted to become a YouTube Sensation, I would totally create a Smitten Parody much like the Snuggy Parody on YouTube. I give it one week before it's on YouTube, and if you stole the idea from me you better credit me!

Valentine's Day is right around the corner, better snatch these up! JK, I might be even more annoyed if I got these for Valentine's Day than if I opened a jewelry box from Jared's.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Deepest Darkest Secrets

I was out to dinner the other night with a group of girls and one told me about this website, Basically, it is a blog where the writer has people send in their deepest darkest secrets on a postcard and then he will post them online. It's pretty interesting to go on and read people's darkest secrets. They are often funny, like the one pictured to the right, but sometimes they are sad and you feel for the person writing them.

I am kind of a nosy person in general, so it really interested me. It's even better than reading the gossip blogs sometimes. Everyone has really deep dark secrets and thoughts that you wouldn't want anyone else to know you are thinking, but sometimes I guess it helps to voice them or write them down.