Thursday, June 24, 2010


Last weekend I had a little girls trip to Nashville for a Bacherlorette Party and we literally partied so much you would have thought we were in Las Vegas! Maybe it's because we haven't had a girls trip in awhile but there must have been something in the water, shall I say beer, we drank.

We started the weekend off right with drinks at a restaurant called Cabana, which features your own personal Cabana, and ate and drank while we jammed to our perfect party mix. Following that, we went to a few bars where women don't frequent (that's right, some gay bars). Ladies, this should always a stop on girls trips, not only do you get free items but they totally pump up your ego!

Following this we went out on the town and went to the famous Broadway strip, visiting, Tootsies and many other great places! In Nashville the bars are open until 4AM, which means 5AM EST. I haven't pulled an all nighter like this in years, but why not? So we danced the night away chugging beers and champagne until the wee hours of the morning.

Once we got back to the hotel the party didn't end. We met friends, partied, sang, dance and laughed and laughed until literally the sun came up. I closed my eyes and was awoken 2 hours later by Christine, the bachelorette to get back at it! So off we went and did it all over again on Saturday.

It really was a blast and I can't share all the details because they are too dirty for a blog
(just kidding), but some things a girl has to keep secret! I can't wait until Christine and Jason's wedding!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Dorks Unite

Alright, so ever since I've know Jim and his sisters we call each other dorks. Dorks as in loser, not a whale penis (bet you didn't know that was what the term dork really meant).

Well even though Jim hangs out with my family and me with his, we really haven't done much of the socializing with each others families at the same time. I think actually in all the years we dated we may have only had one time where our parents and siblings got together. It may sound weird, but I am not a fan of merging families until it's official and it totally stresses me out!

So after the engagement we decided why not have a family dinner to get to know one another. So I immediately started stressing about it because I'm weird and it might be on the list of "Things that make me shake uncontrollably and get bad poos for no reason" - some day I might just let you in on that list (don't everybody request it all at once)!

We set the date, a night when 2 of 3 of Jim's sisters would be in town seeing that Molly is in Afghanistan and really can't hop on over for burgers and crab cakes. It was to be housed at the Price flat in Adams Landing.

So after I reviewed the outfit my Mom would wear and made sure my brother was prepared for the night, we arrived at the flat. If you know my family, of course we arrived with dessert and champagne. Of course Jim wasn't there and arrived late claiming he was stuck at work (which is always his excuse these days, I'm considering hiring a PO). We had some before dinner drinks, chatted about the wedding and then moved onto dinner.

Pop the champagne bottles. Dinner was yummy, my brother ate 3 crab cakes which made Mary Beth, Jim's Mom, ecstatic and I scarfed down a burger and saved room for Bon Bonerie dessert - not helping me lose weight for the pending nuptials. Well if I told you that champagne was water that night I would tell you would have thought we just came out of the desert!

All of a sudden dinner was over and there was no champagne left so back to the wine. Jim claimed he wasn't feeling well and left early, yeah, left me there to fend off our families alone- HOW RUDE! But we had enough champagne that we practically pushed him out the door because once Jim was gone we could really have fun!

Next came piano playing, singing, embarrassing stories and a very pathetic attempt to capture our first family photo. Which is the series you see along this story.

I can say I was nervous for nothing and we had fun and I can only imagine the insanity that is coming up this year with this bunch!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Yep, I'm officially 29 as of 6-5-10! We celebrated with our annual trip to Gigglemoor with our closest friends! Today is also my Mom's birthday, so Happy Birthday! I won't reveal her age but I think about 29 years ago I was the best birthday present ever! :)

Things still haven't slowed down a bit. I can't believe it's already one week into June and I can't remember what I even did two nights ago. However, I can remember the fun we had at Gigglemoor this year.

We did our usual drinking on the dock, late night booze cruises, dancing to ridiculously loud music, lots of great food and so on. It was Jodie's first time in Gigglemoor so that was a blast. There were a few things missing this year that I must admit I really missed.

A sign of the times maybe or a sign that everyone is exhausted from the craziness that has been spring and just wanted to relax. We didn't play whiffleball or even attempt a round of water skiing and wakeboarding. My annual cake was missing - however, this was not because Jim didn't order it it, is because the person in charge of picking it up and bringing it down ended up not coming last minute:( So, I will never k now what color my bikini was going to be on the cake because we went to pick it up on Monday and it had been thrown away - BOOO!!!

Chili of course had a blast at Gigglemoor. She is getting much better at swimming and even had a jump off the dock, well a push thanks to Megan! She did do the cutest thing ever. I fell off the dock and she jumped in to save me...swam all the way out to me to make sure I am ok while Jim didn't even get out o f his chair - shows who will take care of me when I'm sick.

All in all it was an amazing weekend and I hate leaving Gigglemoor. I have to wait until July 4th to get back down there but Annie and Amy will be there with us so it should be a blast!

Please note the picture is from last year to show the cake. I have been so crazy I forgot to bring my camera down this year - so pictures to come soon once CJ ever sends them out to us!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What Happened to May?

Ummmm I'm not sure either? All I know is this morning I thought, you know, I don't think I blogged at all in May. I looked back and yep - I barely did.

SO, what's been keeping me busy? Honestly, I think it's just that it's warm weather and summer activities are happening. I have sports 3 nights a week, something for a wedding or my own wedding on the weekends and then work stuff. Plus, Jim's sisters were both in town last week and that meant something to do every single night - which I loved!

Too much has happened to catch up on it all so the big events are as follows:
  • I set a date and location for my wedding - 5-21-11
  • I got my dress!
  • We are heading to Gigglemoor for my annual birthday celebration this weekend and I can't wait!