Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Chili's Theatrical Debut
It's not surprising for you all to know I LOVE my dog Chili! She's my little baby, I treat her like a child, and Jim and I are totally obsessed with her! So the clip above is her cute little behind in the Christmas Play at Pilgrim Chapel. Check her out at the 5 minute mark, she's the first dog and the donkey!
For a puppy I think she did pretty well. It took lots of treats and lots of love but her first theatrical debut was amazing! I know, I'm weird.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Turkey Time

However, this year I got myself back off my butt Thanksgiving Day morning and ran the annual Cincinnati Turkey Trot. It was unseasonably warm, which was awesome, but rainy, which was not awesome due to the blister I got on my foot from wet socks. A group of us ran the race entitling us to a Thanksgiving Day brunch and dinner.

I'm currently sitting on a long flight back from LA where I visited Jim's sisters, sister-in-law and infamous Bruce Wayne the dog! More to come on this...Happy Holidays!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Welcome Back!
Happy Friday! Saw this cute video and it made me smile on a Friday! Sure a lot of people were placed but it's cute to see the unsuspecting victims. I love Return of the Mac and the Boys are Back! This is a good example of a brand creating something fun that actually can go viral without pushing the product! Happy Friday!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
So Proud!
Ok, so I’ve been a really bad blogger like I promised not to do with the job change, wedding and life in general but things have gotten out of control! So, I’m going to do some updates in the next few days of important things that have occurred.
The first and most important one I wanted to add here was a video from my future Mother-In-Law filming Molly, Jim’s sister, doing a flyover at the Texas A&M game. She is the lead pilot, the first helicopter in the video, and we are very proud of her for fighting for our country and serving overseas on 3 tours. I love fly overs and they give me the chills whenever I see one at a game. Something about them gives me a patriotic feeling and makes me proud to live in America. So to Molly and all the others serving our country, this one’s for you!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The website is and basically you can select ways for people to donate towards your honeymoon. You can have them buy dinners, adventure packages, spa packages, etc. I absolutely love it for couples like Jim and I who have lived together for awhile and accumulated house ware products through the years. While we still need some house ware items, we would truly appreciate the ability to take the honeymoon of a lifetime.
Check out the site and read more about it; if it moves you feel free to donate:) If you know anyone else getting married pass this along, it is a great alternative to a traditional wedding gift. Plus, there are no shipping fees, wrapping fees, etc.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Bobcat Scuffle
Now, being from Ohio people are shocked I HATE the Buckeyes. I don’t love Michigan or anything like that, just a team I’ve never really liked. So, needless to say I was happy how Rufus the Bobcat took down Brutus Buckeye prior to the game. I think this has gotten more press than the game. Sure it’s not sportsman like but it’s funny and in the end this game was all about humor and cash money dollar bills.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Bridesmaids Dresses!
I am not posting a picture for 2 reasons, 1. I want it to be a surprise and 2. The dress isn’t available online as it is a custom design and color. I absolutely love the dress - it’s super light, cute, has pockets and the ability to change out the tops for ladies of all different sizes! I’m not going to say they can definitely wear the dress again because I swore to myself I wouldn’t say that – but it’s cute and I wouldn’t be mad being stuck in it for 10 hours!
Now, once the color swatches come in I’m off to plan flowers and cake – YUMMY!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Oh Danielle!
I came across this little ditty the other day thanks to my gossip news feed and just about threw up. FOR REAL? Her voice is just awful and I think my 2 year old cousin could do better choreography. The spins and arm flare, someone needs to be fired and I'm surprised Danielle isn't all over it!
Now, my good friend Tommy likes the remix version and could dance his little heart out to it every day. Nothing is better than a dance jam session looking in the mirror but to Danielle Staub - Ugh, just disgusting!
Just sit back, relax and enjoy...
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Single Schmingle

What is a "Cougar", no it's not that cat but it's an older woman dating a younger man. This isn't a new phenomena, it's been going on for years - just take a look at Anna Nicole Smith (ok, low blow). But more and more older women are starting to date younger men. Let's look at Demi Moore, she's smart, she married Ashton Kutcher who is hot hot hot and much younger than she is. More power to ya sister, why not go to pound town with a hot young dude than a hot older dude = more fun!
Things like "Cougar Bars" and "Cougar Clothes" actually exist. But in all reality when did this Cougar things start sweeping the nation. Why do only women who are single and 40+get a cat like name, what about everyone else? I mean according to CNN for every 100 single women there are only 88 single men, so there are a lot of single women out there.
One of my latest conversations with Paul was all about why women who are single get named a different type of cat depending on their age - I mean who knew it would come to this? So here is what we came up with.
Basically, it goes Puma, Cougar and the Jaguar. We aren't sure why we chose puma over Lynx or Panther or one of the other beautiful cats but we did. Maybe it's because Puma's are for single 30 year olds and Puma's are fast and a trendy brand in shoes? They like to chase down meat. Why the Jaguar then? Well Jaguar is a term for 50+ and Jaguar cars are poised and represent older generations. Plus they are elusive,somewhat like older single women. I mean every year I go to Florida I see a sign to watch out for Panthers, but they are so elusive I have never ever seen one.
We didn't come up for anything after Jaguar....maybe it would be a Calico cat or something more close to home and prefers to eat out of crystal bowls than chase down dinner. With all the singles out there someone has got to be making money off them right? Of course, with over 904 dating services out there employing 4,300 people it's big business. According to CNN in 2002 it was a $489M business, imagine what it is now.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
A Wedding Post
Being to a lot of weddings make you realize how each one is so different and things at each wedding stand out. Well, at Lauren’s wedding I can only say amazing things. The flowers, the lighting, the tables, the atmosphere, the people – all of it was truly amazing!
One thing I realized I want after being at Lauren’s wedding was a video of my day. I had shopped around and never found the right person to do it. They were all the same - long and boring (sorry). Probably not boring to the couple but boring to me – which made me think, why waste the money on it? Who is really going to want to sit down and watch this? Me, my kids – Yeah right? Life will happen and the next thing we know we’ll be at our own kids weddings.
But, Lauren’s videographer Studio Z really blew me away. So much so, I scheduled a meeting, met him today and plan to book him shortly. His pieces and stories are so well told it evokes emotion and joy, as if I were right there with them the whole time. The best part, they range from 2-6 minutes long – WOW! Of course he still gives you the long, boring version you may never watch again – but the short version is all worth it! You can show people who couldn't make it and review your magical night in less than 6 minutes. And, with all this mass mingling occurring you can post it anywhere!
Don’t believe me – check out my friend’s same day edit that played that night at their wedding! It’s gorgeous!
Studio Z Films : Award Winning Wedding Filmmaker » Lauren & Seth: The Same Day Edit
Saturday, August 7, 2010
What Does This Mean?
You have to listen to the sound to find it funny. Then imagine watching this at IHOP on an iPhone and people can't see what you're watching they can only hear it. ENJOY!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Change Is Scary but Good

You are probably reading this and thinking, what will this mean for this awesome blog right? Well, it will be better than it was this summer when I was only able to update every so often thanks to vacations, weddings and more weddings. Don't worry, I'm still keeping the blog! I'm just making some changes and you can be along for the ride and hear all about it.
I had an old college roommate visit me this weekend and she asked, "It's been years since we've seen each other, what's going on?"
I said oh nothing, just the usual at our age - new job, engagement, new house, etc. I just listed it off thinking to myself, "Really, nothing has changed since you last saw me 5 years ago and you moved to NYC."
Her response was so right, "Yeah, nothing big happened I mean you only recently got a new job, bought a house, got engaged, set the date for your wedding, got a new dog, paid off your first car and I'm sure much more. What do you mean nothing happened, everything happened, you were just too busy living to notice it!"
And there I had it, change was all around me and I was just going with it, just living life.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
- My name is officially on the Gigglemoor totem pole, meaning I am officially in the family
- Celebrated the 4th in Gigglemoor with Annie, Amy, Jim, MB, Billy and family friend Roz
- Went to Sanible with my family for a week! We had the best time ever. Lots of fishing, eating, partying, swimming and all around good times!
- Celebrated my brother's 30th in Key West for the weekend.
- Big one, accepted a new job at Brandimage and start in about 2 weeks.
- Will be departing SparkPeople and really miss people.
- Went to Lexington and crashed a wedding, decided we didn't like the band for our wedding. Ate a piece of really bad wedding cake.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
(just kidding), but some things a girl has to keep secret! I can't wait until Christine and Jason's wedding!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Dorks Unite
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Things still haven't slowed down a bit. I can't believe it's already one week into June and I can't remember what I even did two nights ago. However, I can remember the fun we had at Gigglemoor this year.
We did our usual drinking on the dock, late night booze cruises, dancing to ridiculously loud music, lots of great food and so on. It was Jodie's first time in Gigglemoor so that was a blast. There were a few things missing this year that I must admit I really missed.
A sign of the times maybe or a sign that everyone is exhausted from the craziness that has been spring and just wanted to relax. We didn't play whiffleball or even attempt a round of water skiing and wakeboarding. My annual cake was missing - however, this was not because Jim didn't order it it, is because the person in charge of picking it up and bringing it down ended up not coming last minute:( So, I will never k now what color my bikini was going to be on the cake because we went to pick it up on Monday and it had been thrown away - BOOO!!!
Chili of course had a blast at Gigglemoor. She is getting much better at swimming and even had a jump off the dock, well a push thanks to Megan! She did do the cutest thing ever. I fell off the dock and she jumped in to save me...swam all the way out to me to make sure I am ok while Jim didn't even get out o f his chair - shows who will take care of me when I'm sick.
All in all it was an amazing weekend and I hate leaving Gigglemoor. I have to wait until July 4th to get back down there but Annie and Amy will be there with us so it should be a blast!
Please note the picture is from last year to show the cake. I have been so crazy I forgot to bring my camera down this year - so pictures to come soon once CJ ever sends them out to us!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
What Happened to May?

- I set a date and location for my wedding - 5-21-11
- I got my dress!
- We are heading to Gigglemoor for my annual birthday celebration this weekend and I can't wait!
Monday, May 17, 2010
25 Things
In the meantime, I got this note on Facebook awhile back and liked it. I liked reading other people's things and I liked enjoy, 25 things you may not have known about me.
- I like to scare people. I like jumping out at people, hiding in scary places and doing anything to give people that “wah wah” feeling.
- I was in a movie, Milk Money and had a big part – my face takes up the whole screen. 2 weeks off school and lotsa money at 12 - so was awesome.
- I was on Oprah. Well asked a question and was featured. David Copperfield was the guest and they pre-screened who asked and the question. I was 15.
- Aside from what people think, I’m pretty good at holding secrets.
- I cannot stand the feeling of things rubbing on my front teeth . Paper towels, food and even carpet – Yes, it bothered me so much that I had to try rubbing them on carpet- it’s weird but true.
- I was in Nairobi when they sentenced several of those involved in the US Embassy bombing in 1998. This was in 2001 and prior to 9/11 and it was still very unsafe. We were told not to leave our hotel and we would leave first thing in the morning.
- I hate when things snag on my nails, like clothes or wool. I tend to avoid wool because of this.
- My family and I were once stranded at sea. Our boat sprung a leak and we made it to an abandoned island and waited for help.
- I laugh at inappropriate times. Like when people are injured or anything should be taken seriously.
- I was in the middle of a two country revolutions, one violent and one not so much. I traveled with my Mom and another woman to the jungles of Costa Rica and the country revolted against the electric company and caused fighting and violence among it’s own people. We had to be escorted out and walk miles with protected guards because roads were closed. Unfortunately, all film and memory of this trip was lost due to stolen luggage and it never made the news in the states. Second time was in Belize and the country was refusing to pay the high rates on gas so the electric company would shut off power and water supply randomly. Not so violent but awfully annoying.
- In high school my car had a Mickey Mouse decal painted on. It was a used car and my parents so nicely bought it for me so can't complain, but hated that Mickey.
- I still get scared walking up stairs that someone is chasing me. I often times sprint up them.
- I used to have my right eyebrow pierced.
- I believe those who have passed can contact us and have been contacted by my Dad. I had a series of weird, random events including vivid dreams and him guiding me places. I saw an angel lady because it spooked me a bit and then I was comforted by it.
- On that note, the family who moved into the house he passed away in, where we used to live, had the house “cleansed” because she often felt his presence and claimed she saw him once. I guess that’s an exorcism with the priest and all?
- I absolutely cannot stand anything with bones – broken bones, bruised bones or bones touching. Don’t even get me started on banging together wrist or ankle bones.
- I worked almost my entire time at college, not because I had to, but because I wanted to and it seemed right. I saved all this money and traveled to places I never imagined I would go, like Andorra.
- Scuba Diving and being underwater is extremely peaceful for me. I like the sound and the feeling of being so small in such a amazing place.
- My brother and I were featured on the cover of Super Shopper and I look older in that picture at 10, then I do know at
- I have been hit by a drunk driver note once, but three times. And one time the drunk driver not only ran into the back of me full speed, but she proceeded to reverse and run into the back of me two more times before someone finally stopped her.
- I have little to no control over what I say sometimes. I think it shocks a lot of people.
- I have held a shark that I lured in with a fish head. The shark was about 5 feet and very rough.
- I am actually a shy person until I get to know you, sometimes it comes across as mean but I don’t mean it to.
- I’ve always had a dream to write a book about my life. I think it could be well rounded with ups and downs, funny parts, sad parts and the kind of family everyone could relate to. I imagine myself as a best seller.
- My biggest fear is being alone. I am a very social person and like people around.
Monday, May 10, 2010
I'm Engaged!!!
So, the good part – how it happened…
We did our usual Thursday night filled with softball, friends, Chili and a few beers outside enjoying the weather. Jim was very adamant about me coming home early so I thought I was in trouble. To my surprise, I came home and walked in and on the bed were our suitcases. Jim told me we were going somewhere but it was a surprise and I wouldn’t find out until we got to the airport. So he told me what to pack and we were leaving in less than 10 hours – needless to say I didn’t sleep very much.
I didn’t know we were going to Washington D.C until we got to the gate at the airport. I was thrilled, I had never been and had a hunch that he might be popping the question! As we boarded the plane Jim gave me an itinerary for the weekend, complete with tourist activities, lunch, dinner and breakfast places, free time and a morning of pampering for me Sunday. He informed me he had booked a room at the W Hotel and even upgraded so we could overlook the White House.
Our room was amazing! We could see then snipers on top of the White house we were so close. We also overlooked the United States Treasury building. I’m such an idiot for not taking pictures of the room – I’m mad at myself for that now. Our first stop was to head over to the White House. A friend of ours works for Obama and gave us a heads up that Marine 1 would be landing shortly after we arrived. So we headed over and camped out. Having never been to Washington D.C I was amazed at how beautiful the city is. Everything was well kept, blooming and very friendly. Watching marine 1 land on the White House lawn was breathtaking, it gave me chills and made me very proud to be American and live in a free country. I obsessed about this for the first 4 hours we walked around.
After this we visited some spots where Jim lived when he was in D.C. We went to Georgetown for dinner and out on the town – all the hot spots where Jim used to party back in the day. We woke up Saturday morning, with a slight hangover, ate breakfast at the W Hotel and the got our bikes for a long bike ride along the Potomac River. Our plan was to bike all the way to Vernon Manner, but discovered that it was way further than the lady had told us – 32 miles total. After about 20 miles in the 90 degree weather we decided to call it quits! I wasn’t feeling too hot because of the heat and lack of food so we decided to take it easy in the room.
While back at the room, Jim went downstairs to “check on our dinner reservations” and I took it easy. I didn’t realize he was gone so long since I didn’t feel well, but apparently it took a long time to get the ring out of the vault downstairs. See, Jim had the ring shipped there so that he didn’t have to carry it on the plane and risk me finding it. Once he finally got the ring he came back to the room and it was burning a hole in his pocket.
I could sense he was anxious so got up to do something and that’s when he got down on his knee and proposed. I won’t share all the intimate details, but it was very sweet and it took me about two seconds to say yes! So we called our family and shared the great news. Then up to the rooftop of the W Hotel to celebrate with champagne and each other (this is where the photos are taken from). We were so thrilled and excited it was the best night. We went to a celebratory dinner at Capitol Grill and then out for awhile but were so beat we headed back to the room and crashed out.
I woke up Sunday morning thrilled, enjoyed my massage and paraffin treatment Jim gave me and then we went out and walked around the town some more. Went to the National Archives, saw the Constitution, Air and Science Museum, American History Museum and much more. We had the best weekend and are so happy to begin to build a life together.
The past week has really been a whirlwind, I can’t even tell you what I did last Monday. Between work, seeing people, planning a party for our friends and sports it flew by. I’m sure that the upcoming weeks are going to be even more hectic as we begin to plan. I’m very much looking forward to our wedding and most importantly building a future, children and all that comes with it!

Monday, April 26, 2010
Picture Paints A Thousand Words
Photo #1
Yep that's me barefoot and shoeless in a bar at about 1A. Right before this photo was snapped I turned to my friend and said "I just wanna dance". And this came after - dancing shoeless in a bar hair flipping, booty popping and dropping - Sunday was awful!

Photo #2
This was a Jimmy Buffet concert so enough should be said about this photo. This was taken after many Corona's, tequila shots and baking in the parking lot sun for hours. At this point in the day I think I had just enough partying in me I was actually considering kissing his parrot.

Photo #3
This is me in Jodie's car, Tiffany or Penny (I can't remember), mocking the neck rest in the backseat for those long car rides she apparently goes on. We were laughing not only at the neck rest but also remembering that in high school I had a Mickey Mouse painted onto the bumper of my Honda (it came with the car). This night ended up just as funny as it started - good times!

I truly love my dog Chili so I couldn't not have a photo of her in here. Photo 5 is Chili monster getting ready to fly home from Gigglemoor. She's is pretty spoiled and only flies private so here she is all strapped in the back seat ready to go. Photo 6 is Jim and Chili in the Giggle Truck just being cute, I love them so much!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Sweet Boy

- He randomly sent me a Groupon to Urbanity Spa that said "to pretty up and already pretty face". Which means he was listening when I said I haven't had a facial in forever but would rather spend the money on clothes. Then boom...I get a gift certificate.
- Later in the week I get a notice that someone has something to tell me and it takes me to a website where people can randomly say why they love you. See picture. It's his style, cute and funny. "I love you because your pretty face and you let me stay out late".
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Googling Yourself

I work for an Internet company, am on Facebook, have a blog, Tweet, etc. so I'm going to be out there a lot. Plus, I've done a lot of things recently that have been featured in press related items so my name comes up a lot. And the biggest topper, my last name is really unique UHLMANSIEK.
My last name is the topic of conversation whenever I meet someone. Where are you from, how many of them are there, etc. Well to be honest, not that many (that I know of) - as a matter of fact my immediate family and grandparents are the only ones I know. My Dad was an only child his dad was an only child so the name has been kept pretty tight. My brother has a lot weighing on his shoulders so get to it!
Anyhoo, the whole point of this blog is that I Googled myself yesterday just to do a check and decided to click on the image link too. Well low and behold the third picture amid all the correct pictures was the one featured to the right. Another Jenny Uhlmansiek and she's on Facebook- WHAT?
So I did some more Internet stalking and found nothing. This poor girl has to compete with my name and all the stuff on the Internet for SparkPeople so gets little to no love from Google. So I went back and forth on friending her on Facebook but finally decided not to. Part of my decision was that one of the only groups she belongs to is "safe connections" - meaning she probably doesn't accept strangers and only having 100 Facebook friends should probably tell me that.
Other Jenny Uhlmansiek if you read this blog and would like to be friends feel free to be my Facebook friend, I won't find it weird.
Monday, April 12, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Telling It Like It Is
Kotex has taken a different approach and tried to discover why people are so freaky about periods with their U by Kotex campaign. Basically, Kotex has created a campaign that mocks the past several years of Period ads that have been in media. You can see in this first ad they are mocking the pretty girl at funny angles telling you what to buy AND of course wearing white - If you are a girl you know you never wear white while on your period.
In the next video, found on the Kotex website, you see a real women telling you how she wouldn't do all these things featured in the commercial. Like yeah, when I'm on my period I want to dance and do cartwheels through an open field? Who were these creative geniuses making the first ads?
As I mentioned, after seeing this ad I immediately went and checked out their website only to discover there are several hilarious videos giving you the real dish about your period. Check out this undercover video of a man buying tampons for his girlfriend, or this video and see how people are so afraid to say the word vagina or penis (that was even hard to type) and last check out this one and make sure to take care of your beaver, it's the only one you have!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Happy April Fool's Day
I saw this ad the other day and it made me laugh. It's April Fool's Day and I could put a good joke in here but I got nothing so instead enjoy this joke.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Rough Rider

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Tickling the Ivory

My parents introduced me to piano lessons at a young age. My teacher, Nancy Walker, was probably a huge reason why I loved it so much. I would sit at her house every Saturday morning for 30 minutes or so and learn all about music. Some days we would play the piano, other days we would write music and some days we would play duets. She had a dog, a German Shepard named Cody, that would sit peacefully while you played at your feet or looking at you from the couch. He also kept me coming. Once a year we would have a recital, which I was more excited at the fact of eating her homemade ice cream floats than anything. The fear would build up inside of you and I would get all nervous but once you stroke one key it was completely gone.
I took lessons from her for over 10 years, I can’t even remember now exactly how long. I excelled in reading music, which a lot of people struggle with. I got really passionate about playing and would spend money buying new songs to perform. When Titanic came out I knew I just had to play “My Heart Will Go On,” by Celion Dion – and play I did at that years recital. My all time favorite songs to play, “Memory,” from Cats and Pachabel’s “Canon in D.” Even now when I sit down to tickle the ivory I merge the two songs together making sure to play those notes.
Moving out of my Mom’s house meant moving away from a piano. A keyboard doesn’t cut it, sorry keyboard cat. Some days, like today, I long to go sit down and play the piano for a few hours. One day, when I’m rich enough I will have my own piano, and teach my kids to play and tickle the ivory whenever I want.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Dog Park Days

With the weather warming the dog park has been jumping (no pun intended). I've begun to notice common trends each time I go there that I find funny. So here you go, things to be aware of if you go to a dog park:
- Make sure I get plastic at the grocery store. These are free pooper scoopers which in the end makes it earth friendly! In the summer the “supply” provided is always empty. I don’t want to be the as$h%le that doesn’t pick up her dogs’s biz and casually looks the other way as if engaged in the birds flying overhead. Nothing is worse than running through dog poop or even worse, your dog rolling in it.
- Create an escape plan from the single men that go there purely to hit on women.You know who you are. Every time you encourage your dog to play with mine or another woman standing alone and then walk over and strike up a conversation. This without fail turns into “you live around here” sort of situation. If you know me, I’m nice, I don’t like to be rude and I tend to fall into this trap. Two hours later I’m the girl faking a phone call to escape. I need to have a plan.
- Prepare an avoidance plan from #2 when you see them immediately upon your next entrance (because you have for sure disclosed when you come to the dog park and they now have your schedule).
- Remember dog names better. Every time I go the same dogs are there with the same owners and Chili, like me, appreciates a friendly face. She will run up to the dog, chase them around and off they go. Which leads to conversation with the owner and they always remember Chili’s name…and I am the jerk saying, what’s your dog’s name again?
- KNEES BENT I’ve seen people be taken out on stretchers and knocked on their butts. Chili has a really bad habit of running into the back of people’s legs – which has caused quite a stir when she took out some chick once, I felt bad, but it’s a dog park – KNEES BENT and be alert.
- Let dogs be dogs. They growl, bite, drool, wrestle and much more…it’s all part of the game. It’s like a bar, if a real fight is brewing, other dogs will circle and then you know to pull your buddy away. I don’t like people who are too concerned when their dog growls or wrestle and immediately pulls their dog away and gives you a mean look. Clearly rookies!
So, to my long afternoons where a strong wind blows in the scent of overheated dog poop, dog drool on my pants is the norm and strategically avoiding people is my M.O.
Monday, March 15, 2010
I Don’t Throw Stones Often But….

Donna now weighs 600 pounds, or 43 stones (which being US, I had to look up what a stone meant – 1 stone = 14 lbs), and claims she is healthy. She refuses to be told she is unhealthy and will not listen to doctors. She wears 7XL dresses, eats 12,000 calories a day, tries to move as little as possible and must ride a scooter around when doing her shopping. The one thing that makes her move and she believes is keeping her weight down, chasing her daughter!
WTF? Chasing your daughter is keeping your weight down? Is this lady nuts? This should be like her sign from above, you have a child, get healthy and stop being so selfish? Don’t you get it, your kid needs you and being 600 pounds and only able to move 20 ft at a time without sitting is a problem. I could rant on this one forever, but this child should be taken from her, clearly she is too selfish to own even a plant (which should would most likely end up eating).
Donna isn’t doing this alone, she has a lover who actually encourages her to eat more. They met on a website for dating plus-size people, which shocked me that these even exist. Her lover, Philippe (150lbs) , only dates women who weigh 400 pounds or more! This is just SICK! I mean, how can they even make love? The fact that there are people out there who are encouraging people to become obese and not do a thing about it is wrong. However, even worse, there are people out there funding her problem.
It cost her around $750 a week to eat, which is funded from a website where men pay to watch her eat. Ok, so there are a lot of freaks out there, but really a group of people enjoy watching an overweight women gorge herself with Big Macs? When asked how she feels about it she has no remorse or blame. She feels she was meant to be fat and tried dieting but it never worked. As Donna states, “I love eating and people love watching me eat, It makes people happy, and I’m not harming anyone.”
Well, technically you are harming people. You are releasing lots of Big Mac gas into the air, your daughter doesn’t really have a Mom who is a role model, when you die from a heart attack New Jersey tax dollars are going to fund the crane it will take to get you out of your house and 50 paramedics it will require to get you the morgue. I mean, seriously, I understand that not everyone is fit, enjoys living a healthy lifestyle but setting a goal to be the fattest woman in the world? Just ridiculous!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Cinciditarod Update
- This was only :06 away from 3rd place
- It was our first time racing and a lot of other first timers came in really low
- We waited at the finish line for :10 to get the Bigg's Bag before giving up on it (no Bigg's in running distance so had to have someone drive to get it - FAIL)
- In addition to waiting, we also got time docked for not having the Bigg's Bag
- Our costumes were amazing
- Our dance was amazing- see below
- We had fun!
Monday, March 8, 2010

Teams consisted of 5 people and you had to do some pretty creative things along the way, including dress up and perform a minute song and dance. Our Team decided we would be the Oompa Loompas and call ourselves "The Golden Ticket". We made our Oompa Loompa costumes, wrapped our shopping cart in gold foil and started to hash out a plan.
The day of the race was pretty fun. About 50 teams came out all dressed up - anything from Amish Teams, Mario Brothers, Kegs and Eggs and much more! Our outfits were hilarious. The race started downtown and ran about a 5-6 mile route with stops along the way. The first stop was in Mt.Adams, which if you live in Cincy is an area of town atop the steepest of hills. So imagine running up a hill for about a mile pushing a shopping cart.
After huffing and puffing our way atop Mt.Adams down we went to our second stop, Senor Roy's Taco Stand. Now, they have delicious tacos but not when running. Our challenge, to each eat a burrito and polish off a vitamin water. I'm going to say we gave those food eating competitors a run for their money, I was so proud of our team. We polished them off in about 3 minutes and continued on our way.
The rest of the stops consisted of mind challenges, obstacle courses, and buying items from the grocery store. It was about 4 miles, so imaging shoveling burritos down your throat with a 32 ounce vitamin water and running 4 miles after you just about threw up from running up a hill - it's tough.
All and all we had a blast! We didn't come in first, but a marathon team has won it 3 years in a row and we are convinced they cheat. There are easy ways to cheat, like having someone buy your groceries and meet you at the finish line (you basically cut 3 stops out and about 2 miles) but what fun is that? It's more about racing around town and giggling with your friends but Cinciditarod if you are reading these, you need to fix the kinks!
We were disappointed our dance didn't place, it was amazing. You can watch the video below. One of the winning teams was Jersey Shore, they basically fist pumped for a minute, not sure how they placed? I think it's because the judges like Jersey Shore. We are definitely doing this again next year - I recommend it!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Back to Life

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Bahama Mama

This week has been crazy and I still need to pack. We celebrated my brother's 30th birthday at the Precinct last night, which isn't helping my bikini body, and I've been running around finalizing things at work and life.
Since I'm heading to the Bahamas I thought I'd post this crazy shark video I got from a friend Kat's blog. Nassau, Bahama is known for shark wall, which is a divers heaven if you aren't scared. I'm a certified diver but Jim isn't, so I imagine we will only be doing some snorkeling. Anyways, click on the picture or this link and you can zoom in and see the sharks waiting to eat people. I'm not sure how nobody got attacked this day!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Baring It All
- I lost 1 inch off my waist (smallest part of your midriff)
- I lost 1 inch off my hips (different for everyone, but where your hips are)
- I lost 1/2 inch off largest part of waist (basically around your belly button)

Now, the exciting news! My reward, well gift, was a fabulous weekend getaway with my lovely boyfriend to the Bahamas. Cincinnati has just been pummeled by snow, leaving people like me without 4 wheel drive stuck in our homes and all around just frustrated. We just needed some time away and alone time so we booked a last minute trip to the Bahamas just yesterday! I can't wait, 8 Days and counting!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Ballpark Concessions

- Chicken and Waffles - Why did the chicken cross the road? To lie down on a bed of waffles, get smothered in gravy and get eaten by you, of course!
- Chili Mac Tacos - Think comfort food that took a trip to Mexico. Creamy mac and cheese is smothered in chili then loaded into a hard taco shell to create a taste experience that won't soon be forgotten.
- Chocolate Covered Bacon - This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home and this little piggy dunked itself in chocolate to become a delicious treat for Whitecaps fans!
- Corn Dog o' Plenty - If the Idaho Christmas Tree isn't enough corndog for you then try the Corn Dog o' Plenty. A full half-pound, footlong frank that is battered and deep fried to make one gigantic corn dog.
- Cudighi Yooper Sandwich - If you don't know what this one is then you haven't been to the Upper Peninsula. Cudighi is a spicy sausage found throughout the U.P. and we might bring it down to West Michigan. A sausage patty, smothered in cheese, pizza sauce, peppers and onions could grace the concession stands of Fifth Third Ballpark.
- Declaration of Indigestion - When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to disband from the tyranny of healthy eating, they should consume the Declaration of Indigestion. You see, all sandwiches are not created equal as this half-pound, footlong hot dog is covered in a philly cheese steak (steak, cheese, peppers and onions) and served on a gigantic sub roll. It is certainly your unalienable right to consume one of these in the pursuit of happiness.
- Idaho Christmas Tree - Why waste your time eating all of your favorite items separately? This is a batter-dipped hot dog rolled in french fries and deep fried to create the perfect limbed link on stick.
- Poutin - A real treat from North of the border. The French Canadians have done it again, and this time with gravy. Fries, fried cheese curds and gravy make up this delectable side dish. Tres bien!
- The Pink Panther - Not sure if this guy is named after the famous detective or the insulation, but either way it's delicious. Take a hot dog bun, slather it in icing and fill it with pink cotton candy. Maybe drizzle some root beer syrup over the top for good measure. It's the dessert dog you'll have to try this summer!
- Twinkie Cheese Dog - This dog can survive any disaster and it might cause a few of its own. Simple - a hot dog laid in a Twinkie covered in cheese. Yum.
Ok, did those just make your heart stop reading them? All of them sound just disgusting to me, especially anything that is covered in gravy - NO THANK YOU! The Pink Panther is just disturbing and made my teeth feel like they might fall out from all the sugar. I mean straight Root Beer Syrup, there is a reason it's mixed with carbonated water people!
Now, if I had to choose one item to add to the menu I would pick the Corn Dog O Plenty! I love corndogs, even the cute mini ones that bars now serve. Nothing is gross about this concoction except, it's basically a footlong corndog instead of a footlong cheese coney. However, according to the poll the Declaration of Independence is winning with my Corn Dog receiving a mere 1% of votes.
You can vote here and also be glad that you don't live near West Michigan and will continue to only see normal items on your concession menu that don't require a jump start to your heart after eating them.
Monday, February 8, 2010
I wasn't super impressed with the commercials this year, and as a matter of fact I remember that about last year too. Doritos & Bud Light had almost every other commercial with a few randoms thrown in there - including the Census commercial - really people?
I absolutely hated the Tim Tebow commercial, not the time or place, I couldn't stand the Big Daddy commercials and a few others are not event worth mentioning. I did chuckle at the Denny's commercials, liked the Beaver playing the violin but if I had to pick my favorite I'm going to say way to go Google.
Not only did this ad speak to woman it was clear, simple and concise. In case you missed it check it out below.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
What Would You Say?
One caveat, you must be a male to be a Navy Seal. At first I was curious why can’t a female be a Navy Seal so I did a lot of research and the best answer I came up with can be found here – but the gist is men are stronger, personal hygiene reasons and physical capabilities. Even though I’m all about equality it makes sense to me and probably is accurate. Other thing, you have to be ready to get your butt kicked for months on end. Click here to learn more about it but if carrying logs, 4 hours of sleep in 5 days, working out in freezing water temperatures and basically self torture are things you are into then this it the job for you!
So why is all this talk of Navy Seals leading into the point of my blog – well Navy Seals have a lot of motto's, such as "The only easy day was yesterday!" After talking about all the stuff they do and how everything is so extreme, it was brought up that they do everything hotter and wetter. Of course we got a good laugh out of this one and a good “that’s what she said”. And the next thing you know we were talking about how that should be a bumper sticker on my car, “I do everything hotter and wetter”.
Car bumper stickers, whatever happened to those? Personally, I’m not a big fan of promoting things on my car but sometimes it is acceptable. For example, having a college sticker when you are in college on your car. Things I don’t find acceptable: political or religious view bumper stickers, bumper stickers letting me know you child is a straight A student or stickers telling me your opinion on war. Apparently others don’t like political stickers either, it can get you kicked out of events!
However, if I were forced to select a bumper sticker it would be a reflection of our conversation around Navy Seals – I do everything hotter and wetter. Imagine the conversation people would have about that when they pulled up behind me. Then when they drive by and glance at the crazy person with this sticker they come to find a normal looking girl probably wearing workout clothes and a sweaty headband.
Just for kicks, the picture below is a bumper sticker I found online. It is true and cracks me up, anyone I know with a truck and I’m moving I’m gonna hit you up! What would your bumper sticker say?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
6 Days and Counting...
I’m also shamelessly addicted to a lot of bad reality TV shows that are totally mindless and do nothing for you but I enjoy watching them – like The Bachelor. Every Monday night I get really excited to watch it – as cheesy as that is. I think it’s because I get really embarrassed for the people on TV but can’t turn my eyes away. The totally predictable drama and over dramatic music is just amazing! I’m pulling for Tenley or Allie, definitely not Vienna!
In honor of Snookie and reality TV watch the infamous punch in a silly remake involving puppies!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Consumers Want Happiness
Check out the video below. Coca-Cola launched their happiness-themed campaign at the beginning of this year by sending 3 bloggers around the world to capture happiness (check the expedition out here). You can read the full article from Marketing Vox here, but below is a piece of the article that explains the rationale behind the campaign.
"It's not about having the Coca-Cola brand first and foremost, center of the screen,” said Adam Brown, director of Coca-Cola’s Office of Digital Communications and Social Media, in an interview with the Associated Press. “It’s about telling the story that involves Coca-Cola, that involves the attributes of what Coca-Cola is about, optimism and joy.”
That's exactly why I like it. It makes you laugh, I could imagine myself cracking up if I were there, it's surprising and while Coke is a big part of this it's not screaming Coke the whole time! Good viral video of the week.