Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Been in Flu Hiding

Ugh is all I have to say about the past week or so. Everywhere you go and every channel you turn on you hear about THE FLU! I am a naturally healthy person and usually don't get sick, but I got hit by the bug.

Starting about last Tuesday or so, I got what seemed to be my normal allergies. The typical Cincinnati stuffy nose, watery eyes and sinus headaches that feel like an elephant is sitting on your forehead. But I also got this nagging cough that I never got in the past with allergies.

It started as a dry cough, the best way to describe how it felt was to imagine someone putting a blow dryer down your throat on high heat and leaving it run for hours. I couldn't stop coughing or drink enough water and I can't even think about putting one more cough drop in my mouth without throwing up. Sometimes, it would get so bad I would cough until I cried and was gasping for air- it wasn't pretty.

After about 2 days of this my Doctor finally told me to come in. So I went in on Thursday and he diagnosed me with allergies. Gave me some steroids and Singular to try to clear it up. He told me to try the nasal spray first and see what happens.

So, home I went. Come Friday,still not feeling better. Even more congested than before. I could still barely breath and was still coughing every 30 seconds. I would take DayQuil, NyQuil and try to gete through the hours but it never was easy. 4AM coughing are normal, I think Jim wants to kill me:(

Well, I think that Dr. appointment gave me the Flu. I woke up Saturday morning so sick, the kind of sick you never wish upon anyone. At one point, Jim said are you going to be ok, I've never seen anyone throw up as much as you have. To be even grosser, I have no idea what I was throwing up cause I wasn't eating and it was really chunky - ewww- TMI.

I immediately called my Doc, who gave me TAMIFLU and said to take it easy. So a full day of this and coughing to boot. My head hurt so bad and my body just aches, my chest is so sore from all the coughing I can't take it anymore.

Well I woke up Sunday and the Flu symptoms had disappeared, thank the lord! But I still had my cough. So now I'm going on a little over a week and I have all these same symptoms I started with and even caught the Fly in there somewhere. I'm started the Singular which seems to have slowed my cough down a bit!

I am set to go to Mexico for a wedding tomorrow and am hoping the hot weather gets rid of whatever I have caught. It has been awful and I am really sick of sitting at my house and not seeing people, but better that than risk getting anyone else sick.

Oh yeah, the worst part is I can't see my Mom because she had surgery that required a lot of cutting and moving around of organs that if she got sick or had any chance of getting an infection would be very bad for the stitches. So, when you want your Mom the most I can't even see her.

So, today I have one last look over from the Dr. and hopefully i get approved to go to Mexico! If I don't I might just cry for real, especially since I didn't get trip insurance:( Sorry for the lack in blogging but I've been so sick I literally got my work done and than would lay in front of a TV with rags on my head until I finally fell asleep.

Hopefully you don't hear from me cause I"m off to Mexico! Arriba Arriba!

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