Thursday, August 26, 2010

Oh Danielle!

Danielle Staub from the Real Housewives of New Jersey just disgust me. She is an attention whore who just stirs up all kinds of problems. If you watch the show, ya know what I'm talking about. If you don't watch the show, you've probably heard about her in the news.

I came across this little ditty the other day thanks to my gossip news feed and just about threw up. FOR REAL? Her voice is just awful and I think my 2 year old cousin could do better choreography. The spins and arm flare, someone needs to be fired and I'm surprised Danielle isn't all over it!

Now, my good friend Tommy likes the remix version and could dance his little heart out to it every day. Nothing is better than a dance jam session looking in the mirror but to Danielle Staub - Ugh, just disgusting!

Just sit back, relax and enjoy...

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