Friday, September 26, 2008

Known Only As A Child

Today would be my Dad’s 71st Birthday, he was slightly older than my Mom (15years). Days like today are always a little more difficult than a usual date, you know Holiday’s, Birthdays, Weddings, etc. are times when you think more about people missing that you wish were there. It’s crazy, it will be 9 years this November since my Dad passed away from cancer and though it gets easier as more time passes - some moments just strike you and it’s like…if only my Dad were here things would be different.

Losing my father at 18 is still the hardest thing to accept because I know I did not truly get to know him. I was a teenager and selfish, caring more about my friends and my boyfriend than getting to know my own father. I am grateful for the time I had with him, I could not have asked for a more loving and wonderful Father. But now being an adult, I always wonder what our relationship would be like today if he were still here and how he would have changed my life and who I’ve become.

My Dad is one of those people that if you met him, you were going to remember him. Tall, dark, curly hair, glasses and a smile that I happened to inherit. The more people I meet the more times I get, my God was your father Jay Uhlmansiek? It’s flattering to know people knew and loved him, but sometimes I get jealous at the fact they knew him as an adult, not a child. From everything I hear and from the man I remember, everyone liked him a lot and we happen to have a lot in common. My Dad was in marketing at a company formerly named Drackett for many years and retired when Drackett was sold in 1992. He crossed paths with so many people during his time there that if you were in marketing you had to know who he was! Well, following in my Dad’s footsteps I entered into marketing after college and actually even worked with some of his former colleagues. I learned that to know my Dad was to love him, he was a warm and genuine person, always there to help anyone or lead with advice. He was extremely intelligent, passionate and loved life. He was witty and sarcastic, always fun to be around and the life of the party.

I knew these things about him too, but I also knew he was loving, sacrificing for his children, advice giver, family man and everything the best father in the world could be. So I listen to people’s stories and sometimes I want to hear more and more and other days it just hurts for no gosh darn reason. I like to hear stories and know all the things I inherited from him and know the pieces I will forever hold of him. My Dad was a great man and I know I inherited his best features and personality. To me, he’s always the man in the blue robe and slippers, eating ice cream with Max and watching Unsolved Mysteries on a school night. But the stories I hear are insights into who he was as a friend, co-worker and husband and I am glad that those are things that I see in myself.

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