Thursday, June 25, 2009

Blah Blah Blah

Do you ever have weeks that just seem to go on and on forever - that is this week for me? I’ve just felt blah all week. I can barely drag myself to the gym and the last thing I want to do is get out of bed. The only thing that seems to make me happy this week is eating, which is bad. It’s one of those weeks where I don’t ever feel like I’ve eaten enough even though I have.

I think my week just started off in a bad place and I haven’t been able to get out of my funk. It started with coming back from HHI, which stunk, and also it was father’s day. Which after almost 10 years I’ve almost become numb to, but it still hurts. Like right now, just even reading that sentence made me tear up. But I do things that still make me think of my Dad and some things sure make me wish he were here. Like, I’ve actually started to enjoy golf and am taking up lessons. He would be soooo excited to play with me and probably would be my teacher for free! But I’ve already diverged from the original topic of my post – which is basically what my week has been all about.

I feel like one of those Cymbalta commercials, where the really sad music plays and the puppy just wants you to throw the tennis ball but you just don’t want to get up to do it. That pretty much sums up my week. I think it’s probably the sweltering heat that’s making me tired and that in turn is making me grumpy. So, when I went to post a blog I didn’t feel like writing about anything, cuase that’s just how it’s gone this week. Get in there, get em done and go to bed.

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