Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Chili Update

Hurray for Chili!! We had our vet appointment this morning and the vet said she seems to be improving!!! YAY!!

Well I think she is improving because last night I saw the first glimpse of her puppy life coming out. When we adopted her she was very calm and sweet and didn't want to do anything wrong. Well, last night that all changed! She was jumping around the house, barking, chewing and not listening to a thing her mom was telling her!

I took her for a long walk, out on the hour every hour to "go potty" and she still took a poop in the house. To make matters worse she has had diarrhea and did it on the carpet! I caught her in the act and yelled "NO!" which immediately prompted her to run through the poop, around the house, on the ivory couch and lay down. It was a mess to clean up and I was annoyed!

But that's all part of being a puppy and I'm so glad she is going to be ok so today we are beginning to crate train and do all the stuff we felt bad doing to her when she was sick. We still have one more appointment on Friday for X-Rays but the sun is shining and Chili was soaking it up!

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