Monday, December 21, 2009

A Christmas Miracle

Whew, back in the Nati and it feels good- Christmas is only a few days away. We had an awesome time in Colorado - more to come on that later.

As I logged in this morning an article popped up on my AIM that had a dog standing upright so immediately I clicked. The article is very touching and truly a Christmas miracle for a dog named Faith and the peoples lives that she touches.

You can check out the video below to view the dog walking and click here for the full article but a brief recap is below.

Faith was born on December 22, just days shy of being a true Christmas miracle, with 3 legs and 1 of which was badly deformed. After being with her owner a few months they had to remove the badly deformed leg, leaving the dog with only two hind legs. After many peanut butter treats and encouragement, Faith's owner taught her how to walk on her hind two legs (it's amazing the things a dog will do for peanut butter, trust me)!

Now Faith has fully adapted to her lifestyle and Faith and her owner travel the country visiting army vets and hospitals to give hope to those who may be suffering from lost limbs or other disabilities. It's just amazing how animals can touch our lives and this dog is helping inspire and motivate others in ways that humans may not be able to.

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